Kingdom Hearts II Couple questions for FM+ owners

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by XxxXehanortxxX, Mar 31, 2007.

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  1. XxxXehanortxxX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    Long Island, Nassau
    Please note, this contains spoilers.

    Well, I have a few questions for all you kh2 fm+ owners.

    I see that the new keyblade you get from defeating Roxas is a fusion of "Oathkeeper" & "Oblivion".

    1.How much strength and magic does it give?
    2.What is it's special ability (if any)?

    Well, people have been dieing on critical mode, a lot.

    1. What's your view on critical mode (is it hard enough, or to hard)?

    Well, now we have a chance to vs. ever Organization member, twice.

    1. Do you think those semi-data fights (for CoM bosses, they are scattered through out the worlds) are hard (or to hard)?
    2.Do their moves look cool?
    3. Is there an Axel data fight?

    Nomura said we had to be level 99 for the real Data fights in order to stand a chance.

    1. How far did you get on the true data fights?
    2. How hard are they exactly?

    Nomura didn't even beat T.E.S. (The Enigmatic Soldier). In fact, people died in a matter of seconds.

    1. How far have you gotten against him?
    2. Does he have any insane moves?
    3. Is there a prize for beating him?

    I have more, but I can't think of them at the moment.

    For data fights, I know the moves, but I wanna know if they look cool, and your opinion on how hard they really are.
  2. methol Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 21, 2007
    i asked my friend who owns the game and these are the answers.

    please remember this is what he said so i dunno.

    1.the new blade dosent have any strength number it gathers donalds strength and goofys strenght x it by 2 and u get the strength number....note that this is the actual strength amount it dosent add anything it changes your whole strength count.

    2. the ability is called "friendship ring" it does what is stated above.

    3. critical mode is preety much proud mode on kh1 and a bit more harder...some battles have become so overly hard that there were times where he gave up...pete has be strengthened up quite alot.

    4.the fights are quite difficult and vary alot from the COM fights but once you figure out their pattern it becomes easier....that is to say easier is still VERY hard....think the em from kh1:fm

    5. their moves look very new but using the same graphic engine they look normal but alot of their moves happen very fast and so u dont have much time to look at rocks move about or u will DIE.

    6. yes there is an axel battle......and he is much harder than when u fight him as roxas....

    7. the true data forms are beyond hard. mainly beacause they have one strike moves that will kill u in one hit.

    8. yeah ^^^^

    9. 4 seconds i lasted longer than the vid hehe

    10. ummm i wouldnt know but he is FAST, sephiroth is hard beacause he moves very fast and has big combos......the knight is fast but can cause as much damage in one hit then sephy can in a whole combo.

    11. once again we wont know.
  3. XxxXehanortxxX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    Long Island, Nassau
    Lol, right when I copied & paste to the Fm+ Discussion thread I get an answer. ^_^

    Thanks man.

    Anyone else wanna answer? Some of these are based on opinion. (I tend to have the same opinions as others sometimes). ^_^
  4. Bvbffg Banned

    Mar 31, 2007
    hay keep this on the down low but the kingdom hearts 2 final mix+ and kingdom hearts final mix are comeing to the U.S. soon bunduld together this fall my dad works at square enix so thats what his boss said ok and you can quote me
  5. XxxXehanortxxX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    Long Island, Nassau

    No, it isn't. Stop posting this.
  6. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I'm not sure if it's a fusion, but it's very strong. I myself haven't started the game yet, I'm still on Re:CoM.
    Again, no idea.

    1. They will be very hard. Their battle tactics are the same, but on critical mode it's 'one miss and you're out'.
    2. Yep.
    3. Of course! Every single one of the Org. XIII members. :)

    1. I can't say if anyone got that far. :/
    2. Read #1. xD

    1. Haven't tried yet. I know he's hard though.
    2. Most likely.
    3. I'd imagine.

    Insanely hard.

    Unfortunately--unlike most people--I haven't started KHIIFM yet. I'm still playing CoM. I plan on finishing that 100% first, to be honest.

    I'm oldschool that way. ;)
  7. XxxXehanortxxX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    Long Island, Nassau
    Woot, thanks Darky.

    Yeah, I just call it the fusion of the two. I'll start calling it Twilight Keyblade until we find out what it really is.

    Thanks guys. ^_^

    And darky, yeah, old school.

    Kicky Marlys butt.

    Then, kick it 2 more times in Kh2.
  8. Bvbffg Banned

    Mar 31, 2007
    yes it is trust me
  9. XxxXehanortxxX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    Long Island, Nassau
    No. You have been told to stop by a mod (Darky). Please stop posting that non-sense, I will not argue with you.

    We will not trust you because Nomura said No plans/intentions of releasing anything.
  10. TheRisingSun Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ok I figured instead of making a completly new topic for a simple question I would use this topic as it is "Couple of Questions" If a mod would rather I do start a new topic let me know.

    Ok so this summer I plan on learning some japanese (mainly so I can import this game and a few others) the base cource works mainly on Katakana and Hiranga (sp?) for the phonetics.

    How useful is just knowing the katakana or hiranga for playing this game? Will an entry level student be able to play this with minimal skill in the language?

    Thanks for your replies guys.
  11. XxxXehanortxxX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    Long Island, Nassau
    Uh, it's in English. The subtitles are Japanese, but you just need to watch the cut scenes (all English except the new ones which people translated). Otherwise, for questions that have text, it looks like yes is the bottom answer and no is top (by the looks of data CoM fights).

    RE; CoM, on the other hand, is all japanese. If you played CoM for GBA (in english), you should get through the entire game no problem (unless a boss is a bish and hes hard).
  12. Utawarezen Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2007
    1. 5 attack and 4 magic.
    2. Combo Plus (or negative combo, but I think it's combo plus)

    1. What's your view on critical mode (is it hard enough, or to hard)?
    1. A couple of bosses are hard, but most of it is easy. They give you A LOT less max HP on Critical. I'm at TWTNW and I have as much HP if I were at Port Royal 1st visit.

    1. They are hard at first, but after memorizing their tactics, pretty easy.
    2. Yes, very.
    3. I've searched everywhere, haven't found one.
  13. Taki King's Apprentice

    Mar 12, 2007
    How can that be? The Sleeping Lion and Fenrir have those abilities
  14. Utawarezen Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2007
    It's something to do with ground combos (not aerial) but I'm not sure.
  15. XxxXehanortxxX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    Long Island, Nassau
    I think its plus 1. Because, to me, it's like the combination of 2 keyblades, so why minus 1? Add 1 combo.

    Just for the sake of bashing Marly in the head with again. XD
  16. Taki King's Apprentice

    Mar 12, 2007
    Ive heard names "Light and Dark" and "Friendship Ring" for the ablilties.
  17. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    FM+ is like 90% Japanese (hiragana/katakana). The voices are English, but the rest isn't.

    It'd benefit you greatly. ;)

    No, stop. I've told you numerous times. If you continue you'll be warned. :/
  18. XxxXehanortxxX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    Long Island, Nassau
    Friendship Ring would most likely be that "Attack & Magic given is equal to Goofy & Donald's sum".

    Light & Dark, I can't really think of an ability.

    Aw well.

    Can any of you tell me which ability is EXP 0? You get that with Mp Haste (I believe) at the beginning. I don't wanna accidentally put EXP 0, so can you tell me if it's like the 3rd ability down, or like the 4 ability.
  19. Taki King's Apprentice

    Mar 12, 2007
    Itll have a 0 in it, I think.
  20. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau

    It'll read like this in the ability menu: "EXP(japanesetexthere)0"

    Can't miss it. =P
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