I need help!!! I'm going to AnimeExpo this year (yay) and i have decided to make some of my cosplays. One problem.... I have no idea how I'm going to make my cosplays and accessories!!!! (NNnnoooo ) Its a four day event and I would like to wear 4 different cosplays >.< So w/out further rambling here are my cosplays; Shampoo from Ranma 1/2 A Maid A Yankee (a deliquent) Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon I already have Shampoo's outfit but I would like to make her Chui's (the weapon she uses) and I would like to know if anyone knows how to make them or can give me any ideas as to how they should be made. I will post a pic of what they look like once I figure out how use the spoiler again(sorry its been a while). For the maids outfit I was wondering if it was possible to make the headband, and if so can anyone tell please tell me what I will need to make it? As for the Yankee cosplay I want to know if the skirt has to be pleated or not. I would also like to know what length they have to be.
Did a quick Google and are these weapons what you're referring to? (sorry, not familiar with the character/series) Spoiler It actually seems pretty simple. If you go to most any craft store you can find wooden poles and styrofoam balls; attach the two, then paint. I'm not familiar with the procedure of painting on styrofoam, though.
For the headband it depends how good you want it to be and if you're prepared to do sewing. A pretty simple way is to get a normal head band and glue some white lacy fabric onto it. There are various yt vids on it, like here or here or here.
Are these your first cosplays? Four is a bit ambitious if they are. I'd recommend getting as much as you can from thrift stores and pulling stuff out of your closet. If you have the ability to alter something rather than sewing from scratch, do it. It'll save you money and time in the long run, and most of it might be machine washable. Not familiar with Ranma or whatever the hell a Yankee is (I'm over here thinking a Yankee is slang for American). For a maid, it's rather dependant. You might be able to find a butt ton in a shop, or you might find nothing. Willing to bet you'll at least find socks and shoes for that in a shop (Spencers and Hot Topic are generally pretty good for accessories), but you might end up making the dress on your own. You can probably find some good patterns for that. As for Sailor Jupiter, sad to say that's one of those things you're going to have to make from scratch. Probably a leotard with the rest of the fuku attatched. I'm no good at props and weapons that aren't plush, but I'm sure there's a million tutorials if you google it. Also, make sure everything is fitted to your size. If it's too small or big, you're not going to be happy with it and the photos will come out weird, as well as the chance that you'll, er, fall out of it, if you catch my drift. Like I said, four new cosplays are a bit ambitious, especially seeing as you seem (just from the way you type) to be slightly on the younger side. If you get overwhelmed, cut down your cosplays and wear the finished ones for more than one day.