No Thanks Cosplaying Sub-Forum.

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Noroz, Apr 8, 2012.

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  1. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011

    How about making a sub-forum for cosplaying? The new member, I like movie type person made a thread asking about it. And yes, I know DPWolf has a cosplaying group, but it isn't "advertised," so, people aren't aware of this. Kingdom Hearts is a game that is often cosplayed, and I think it would make sense to have a sub-forum, as there is nowhere, besides the group, to post about it.

    Even if there are few cosplayers on the site, there may be more people joining if they saw there was an area to talk/discuss/show off for this.

    I'm not a cosplayer myself, but I definitely see the (almost) need for this.
    Do anyone agree with this?
  2. i like movies type person Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 8, 2012
    new jersey, usa.
    i came here to discuss various movie quality level kingdom hearts cosplay. it helps to feel everything out before dropping what can be thousands of dollars beforehand. questions like: would you recongnize this costume? would you be happiest seeing another well done version of something else? etc. only kingdom hearts fans can really be asked for such things. and all the other cosplay/costume sites,while kh heavy, have no real instant access to "uber" kh fans. many just wear a costume given them by someone else to go in a group, so they are useless for general information.

    ill tell you now, the makers of kingdom hearts keep tabs on the various conventions on the west coast of america and japan. they track the roar of the crowd to see which characters are the most popular. san deigo comic con has marketing people which track everything for various properties.

    want to help inspire a live action film? do the expensive work of making a costume for one of their characters. show it off in public. they can see how awesome or odd it looks in reality. see if the crowds roar at a costume contest is enough to force them to take attention. weave dreams into reality. knock on the door of possiblities......
  3. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    Like I said in the other thread, I don't think there's enough need for it to warrant an entire sub-section. Maybe a single thread dedicated to cosplaying in the Discussion forum would suffice.

    We have had sections in the past that were catered to specific interests, such as Sports, that were short-lived. I think that cosplaying would be just another dead section. Sorry!
  4. i like movies type person Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 8, 2012
    new jersey, usa.
    but this would have a much smaller chance of being short-lived. it relates to the one thing that everyone comes here for in the first place.i didn't visit this site for "sports", in the first place. unless there are multi player mini games in kingdom hearts, that perhaps have international competitions. things like that.

    who would come here for sports?

    i would list a number of costume sites that have hundreds of thousands of users,but im still too new to post links.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Except that we don't have a whole section for sports or even a living thread dedicated to it(that I'm aware of).

    Cosplaying is a tad on the specific side. While I could see it being a subforum, I'm personally against it. Then again, we have that whole "recording" section which(while fun) is pretty specific in itself. Practically and fairly speaking, it seems viable...personally, I'm against it(to repeat myself).
  6. i like movies type person Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 8, 2012
    new jersey, usa.
    okay forced me to do this..... now that i can post links, i will use the awesome power of cosplay while working together as a forum! even if you want to burn people in costume, i can change your mind......

    see what cannot be unseen. but watch it to the end if you start it. almost 3million people have. i play the funny card.
  7. NemesisPrime Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 4, 2011
    The World That Never Was
    I'd like a sub-forum for it being a fellow Sora cosplayer myself.

    Come on KHV, give my new hobby a home.
  8. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    I don't really think that there's a big enough community to warrant a whole subforum on the subject, unless I'm vastly underestimating the community. Like Noroz said, we do have a cosplay group which Wolfie started ... which I can't currently find in my subscriptions (I'll search later).

    I wouldn't be opposed to the idea, maybe somehting in Graphic art, though god knows that section has so many subforums in it already ... but I'd need to see a big community of cosplayers on the site before I'd commit to the idea.
  9. i like movies type person Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 8, 2012
    new jersey, usa.
    .....the site that started as a cosplay with only profiles/descriptions, and pictures. if you wanted to talk, you had to leave comments to each other below a photo......

    they have what, hundreds of thousands of members.... ten percent of which have only kingdom hearts attire. another 4 percent have KH costumes that they are not longer young enough to use. and another 5 percent have kingdom hearts costumes as "back up only", becuase they now have several costumes, and they have already worn their KH costume to many conventions. ........

    its so bad out there, that people have resorted to posting their pics on various sites,and then trying to hunt down other people to meet with. as one looks funny alone,and a group just looks much better. some sadpeople post pics of people they took photos of, but cannot track down....

    if one needs some serious mind changing,at how "cosplay" is not for "little roleplaying kiddies" but is now also a majorpart of costume parties at nightclubs. the costume just adds flair. like the bar at dragoncon that has bountyhunter bouncers, and a droid bartender/vending machine. (no,not kidding)

    dressing up random stuff:

    so this is a vids site with a forum eh? perhaps you could find/make/upload a really good 60 second clip of a welldone fanfiction, actedout with some practical special effects and really well done costumes. its worth doing such a thing just to see peoples posted reactions. (esp.if they think it is a leaked teaser for a movie in the works)

    moar funz plz.
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I at least think the site deserves a Hobby section, like before, so as to accommodate for all peoples interest, and ideas about such things. We may even attract a cosplay sub community, which could benefit the site. I mean to be honest, I don't know why a section wouldn't be included, even if it's not the most popular section, it could at least accommodate for our members.
  11. i like movies type person Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 8, 2012
    new jersey, usa.
    the only reason not to have a cosplay/costume section is due to it needing some software, and/or some coding. although adding a section in our profiles to add pictures might be enough, with a search engine about to sort for certain characters then. the pictures should be hosted offsite though. hosting pics is a pain and a small expense.

    ah the awesome that could be...instead of hunting it down across the entire web.
  12. rikusorakairiown Contributor

    Jul 24, 2009
    hey guys

    hey, hey guys.

    Why don't you go have an actual thread about it before asking for a whole section?

    There are a) not many cosplayers here

    b) no threads here regarding cosplay (other than some newb who looks a lot like a bot)

    c) no prior interest in promoting such a section/creation of threads other than this bot-like newb entity

    I wish I'd started as a cosplay.
  13. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    You came to this site, one that is dedicated to videos about Kingdom Hearts, to mainly just talk about cosplay? That is clearly not what the focus of this site is. There's not a large amount of people around here that do cosplaying, so you will be hard pressed find a huge number of "uber" KH cosplay fans either way, I reckon.

    Nobody is coming here for sports, that's why we don't have a section dedicated to sports. Just like nobody (or so I thought) comes to this site for discuss cosplay. Yes, we do have people around here who cosplay, just like we have people around here who are interested and play sports. Just because some people have an interest in things it's impossible to please everyone. Where does the line go?

    And I just did a quick search and found several sports forums with over a hundred thousand members, don't really see your point with that. Those guys are on those forums, we are on this one.

    No way, is that a video of someone cosplaying? Incredible! Seriously though, don't see your point here. Is it because they are dressed up as disney princesses, who are also in Kingdom Hearts? That's a pretty lame point, they are disney princesses first and were probably picked because of that.

    ... You wouldn't happen to be a bot, would you?

    ... Software? What. It'd be just another board, you would just post images hosted somewhere else. Have you seen the boards dedicated to arts and such? It'd more than likely just be like that. You can add pictures to your profile if you want to, just like we don't have a sports section. You seem to want the site to start revolving entirely around cosplaying, which won't happen. This site has been around for over six years, it won't change that much just like that. Now, if people were this excited about that porn section, I'd be all for it, but just cosplay a bit meh.
  14. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Calm down guys, there's no need to turn this into a full on debate.
    As a cosplayer myself, I can understand the want for a subforum or something like that, but at the time...there really is not that much interest in it. I do have a thread dedicated to cosplay, where some members have posted what they cosplay as, what they're currently working on, etc. but it's kind of dead. If there was more activity in it then I would say yeah, it might be worth a subforum somewhere, but at the moment there isn't.

    That being said I am not against the idea, I would welcome it, but I question how much it would be used.

    However, I can tell you now that since we are not a cosplay-dedicated site there will not be a special place or gallery to display costumes - that's what sites like are for, you're more than welcome to link your profile there to your signature here, or even make a thread in the Photography section showcasing your costume.
    So as much as I would love the idea, I really think there would need to be more activity shown for it first. Because yes, it is relevant to a lot of things on this site (unlike sports), but at the same time there's no point in making a new section if it's just going to be dead.
  15. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I can understand the want for a subforum for cosplayers, but like a few of the others said, I'm not entirely sure that there are enough members on the forum who actually like to cosplay.

    As Norz pointed out, Wolfie does have a cosplay group and she has linked to it in her sig, so it's not really like there's not a place for cosplayers.

    To be honest, I think it would be a better idea to make some sort of sticky thread first, perhaps somewhere in the Creativity Corner before making a whole subforum for something that's not highly interested in.

    Anyway, I down this suggestion.
  16. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    A general Hobby section would be good in my book. It could be a nice catch for a lot of the miscellaneous stuff that doesn't belong in the spamzone but doesn't really have a home elsewhere. The Discussion section has slowly been expanding to fit some of that, but I personally would like to keep that section as it's original seriousness rather than saying that just about any thread is in fact discussing something.

    But for the original suggestion of a cosplay subforum, I say nay. Reasons have already been stated several times now. Unless a better home for cosplay discussion is made I would advocate Wolfie's thread, making a new thread in various half-fitting forums listed in this thread, or using one of various sites that have a larger cosplaying community.
  17. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    The problem with that is that it's adding a rather large feature for a limited audience. The most specific focus of this site is Kingdom Hearts media; thus, we have the Video Portal, Cutscene Archive, Audio Archive, etc. Cosplay, while it can be related to Kingdom Hearts, is much more broad.

    Any threads about Hobbies can be posted in the Discussion section, really. When we had The Usual Spot there was a Hobbies & Activities subforum, but it gathered little interest or posts and was merged with the main Discussion section during the rearrange last December. Additionally, as others have mentioned, there is Wolfie's cosplay family. If cosplay suddenly gains a large following on the site, then we could maybe adapt more to that, but as of now, it is a small group of people interested in it. We're not trying to undermine the quality or importance of cosplay here, I have a great deal of respect for it and sometimes wish I could get more into it, but as it stands, there's not enough interest to warrant a subsection at the current time.
  18. i like movies type person Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 8, 2012
    new jersey, usa.
    .......lets abuse deviant art dot com then..... could there be a khvids "offical" designated set of galleries there then? give the venture a whirl for a year or two with little ventured.......and it can have a link back to this site?

    it appears that the programs involved would cost a few hundred dollars............ a darn good reason not to have the setup. besides... i would not want to mod the horrible pictures when it is discovered someone is posted pictures that they should not be... yuck.
  19. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I'm willing to set up a group on dA, but as for it being officially affiliated with us I'm not sure. If anything it could be affiliated with the informal group we have now, but again, unless there's significant interest on site this isn't a thing that's happening.
    Also if you do want to encourage cosplay here I would recommend not judging that harshly - just as all other things everyone is at a different level of skill in costuming.
  20. i like movies type person Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 8, 2012
    new jersey, usa.
    judge? ill let someone else brave the porn and roadkill/gore that other people post in jest.
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