So I'm trying to plan ahead of time for next year's AnimeExpo. I really want to do a different cosplay all 4 days. But I'm not sure what I'd like to be or more so, what I could actually pull off >.> But anywho, these are my options so far. Shitori from Tripeace Spoiler (Note: Minus the guns, of course =^^"= Female version of Kyubey from Puella Magi Madoka Magica Spoiler (Thanks to DT for showing me this <3) Misaki Ayuzawa from Kaichou wa Maid-sama (excuse the large image ><) Spoiler Pocky box :3c Spoiler Those are all have for now. Ideas? Suggestions? Comments? Anything? o:
An inside-out chili pepper with seeds laced with pure capsaicin. Under the costume you'll be wearing a full, skin-tight body suit with some form of face protection (goggles, respirator) as a safety precaution.
I feel... this will be a bit too difficult. For a beginner cosplayer. And only anime related things please.
omg I want to see you as a Pocky box!! That would be so adorabluuuuuuuuu o u o I also like the second one, it looks very nice and I think you can pull it off!! Those are the two Im excited about but I'm sure you can pull of the others too! You should also cosplay the nyan cat ho ho ho ho oh and PICTURES OKAY! OKAY? OKAY.
The beginner anime cosplays (and good ones) I always see are Bleach, Soul Eater, Vocaloid, and (kami-sama forbid) Naruto. I suppose because they are easier to move around in for a long day in the summer heat. If you wanna go for a complicated costume, I say wear it on the Saturday or just one day, so that you are used to moving around the convention (and in case it breaks apart or wears out). I've been doing this for seven or so years, so I can just say from experience xD But tis excellent that you are planning way ahead of time! Those usually make out for the best quality cosplays lol. (Also, go for the Pocky box! c: )
Haha I'll try. I'm gonna need quite a lot of munny for all of this but I really wanna cosplay badly. Or maybe just 2. I think for sure we're going to do Pocky for sure. So I'll have to decide which other I'll do. Haha I'll try to remember to take lots of piccies. Gah but I dun wanna do anything too mainstream. Besides, that's more suited for beginners in anime than cosplay. But thank you for the suggestion. :3 Haha well thank you very much for the advice. xD I'm sure it shouldn't be too hard to move in the cosplay I am debating on so far. Well, except the Kyubey one. It's lovely but might be hard and I'm trying to find platform boots since i'm so short. Yeah. I want to try and start this as soon as possible but my issue is that I want to loose weight but you can never tell with life and junk so I dun wanna do things and have it not fit. Plus, I dun even know how to sew xD Time to learn or find someone I suppose. (I shall! :3c Me and my friends are doing Japanese snacks.)