I havn't had much spare time lately, but I drew out the latest draft of my Supreme Queen idea. Please ignore how I can't draw at all. I still have no idea what to do for the crown, so any help with that would be lovely. Actually any input at all would be helpful.
I was thinking about that, but this is YGO, where Card Games reign. On top of the fact, I hate going through weapons check at conventions.
Needs to be more revealing. I like it! The cape is a nice touch, though the dress doesn't exactly scream evil.
Well, I'm trying to translate armor into a dress, but it's hard. It's supposed to be elegant but evil at the same time and I just don't know what I'm doing at all. What would you do, to make it evil-er?
You could incorporate a few hard armor parts into it, which could help with the design. I don't know anything about that character, but if you want to have some kind of connection to the original concept aside from just color I'd suggest some kind of armor, or at the very least, leather. I didn't want hard armor on my arms for my Mandalorian build so I used leather bracers instead and it still gives a "hard" look to it that helps hold everything together as armor. Might also want to make the cape a separate piece entirely and attach it via neck plate and thin chain.
I don't really know. As it is now in your drawings, it just looks more like an apron than an evil dress.
I really like the leather idea. I think I might want to do something with that. How expensive is leather/pleather, do you know? And yea, the cape was always gonna be a separate piece.
If you're looking for individual pieces like bracers, it can vary. I got a black leather one on Amazon for about $25 (without shipping), so it really can vary on the type of leather or pleather. As for pleather, if you want to buy yards of it, I'd suggest places like Jo-Ann Fabrics. Seems they got quite a bit online to choose from. http://www.joann.com/search/_pleather/ I don't they sell leather by the yard, so you might need to do some searching for that. I know I saw a link a while back to a leather wholesale site, I'll look for that again. But usually leather is more expensive than pleather. You might be able to find something of use here though. Other places you can look are thrift stores, you might find something you can convert into using with your costume. And ah, okay, it looked like it was attached by to the shoulder of the dress in the drawing. This is what I did for my cape, it's not much more than a scrap of fabric with a loop sewn into one end that allowed me to run a craft chain through. The silver discs are just buttons I found in Jo-Ann, attach really simply and actually fit through the holes in the chain link and held it in place. Then I just found a keyring and used that in place of a clasp. Fairly simple, but it can help give more of an "armored" look.
Yea, that's kinda why I'm probably gonna go with pleather, because it's so much cheaper. I only make about 50$ a week at this point, so I have to be pretty frugal with my spending. If I play my cards right, I might be able to make a good costume in under two paychecks >_> And ooooooh I really like how you did your cape. Mine is most likely gonna be held on with snaps, since they tend to be able to hold a bit of weight. And since they're gonna be in the back, it's less likely that people will be looking at them.
I like the design...a lot. Do you have a catch phrase? I'm only in Season 2 of GX, so I dunno much of anything about Supreme King (don't spoil too much)
Uhhhh... I think in the dub he just has the same catchphrases as normal Judai, but don't quote me on that. It's been a longass time since I watched the dub. In the Japanese he doesn't really talk much at all, unless it's required. Also hurry up season 3 is the best one.
It's hard to watch some episodes of this season. Just...wow. The stupid plots and characters they have. I only like Zane and Sartorius so far...Atticus a little for his dragon deck <.< And do show your progress yes?
Yea, Season 2 varies with how good it is, especially the dub. Fubuki/Atticus is friggin hysterical though. And yes of course. :3