Someone called me a "dead man walking" a while ago, and it has been getting to me. I guess you could say the state has been depressing me. I need to be involved in something again. I feel like I have nothing to say, I am resigned. I have lost my appeal, at least to myself; I am unchanging. I do not like this feeling. Do you know what it might be or how to get rid of it? Anyone?
Irrelevant, but I guess it was general. The point is that I have taken it to heart, it has become true of me.
From what I can gather from the information, you're lacking spirit, so to speak. It seems like the comment has pointed out that you have no drive? That you don't really do anything except waiting for something to happen. As below mentioned, you should take up something. It doesn't matter what it is, but what are your interests?
Well on a positive note, you took the first step to getting over this; realizing the problem. Now, im not a psychologist, but i'll try to give it a whack... This is a site i found, the suggestions are pretty good. Hope it helps, I think everyone has those moments, and i've even had friends who would consider themselves "a dead man walking." I think the best way to get out of something like that would be in these suggestions. P.S.- the last two suggestions were kinda corny...
If you're having a difficult time dealing with it, why not get some air by going outside and taking a short jog? That's the best advice that I can give you.
So this really has been getting you down. I knew it'd come eventually. You need to get out more, get something to do, become interested in something active - share it with others who have the same interests. To call you a "dead man walking" would be a bit of an overstatement because I've seen you enjoy a few things, mostly messing with people's heads, but hey, it's something to do. Still, rather than that, you should get active in something, go out with a few people and have fun. Or hang around someone you know you'll enjoy. Someone out there's gonna get you outta this little slump. I have to admit, it is a bit disappointing to know that something like that has got you down, but I suppose I can't really be surprised. I hope you pick yourself up again soon.
That didn't get me down in itself. I was already feeling that way and he gave a name to it. I liked it. I spend too much time by myself and on myself, intense introspection does not suit me well. They are not a friend, but they mean something to me. They are like me ten years from now (or so).
can you clarify what a "dead man walking" means? i get the feeling you mean someone who is emotionless or passionless? if so, there is always a possibility that it's just a phase, i know plenty of people who have gone through a phase of not caring about anything and practically feeling nothing. i myself went through this phase and i don't think it's really out the ordinary for people to be this way at some point in their life. someone told me that this emotionless or lack of feelings state is a defense mechanism to prevent yourself from feeling emotional pain. for me, it ended when someone i looked up to put his hand on my shoulder. it was weird, because such a seemingly small gesture caused all the feelings i thought were gone to suddenly all surface at once. and i guess something that really helped was that this role model inspired me a lot that i was just so easily amazed at everything he showed me. i know that's not likely to happen to other people to snap out of this, but there are other ways to get out of this state. i suspect that boredom also exacerbates this condition so i suggest making some kind of change in your life. i recommend something that involves other people just to make things more cheerier. perhaps a job if you don't have one, or just work on learning a new skill. since you also seem to be too stuck in your mind, doing some new activities will really help you banish that kind of thinking. anyways, i hope that some part of my senseless rambling has helped you. take what you can use, and if none of it helped, well, i'm sorry but i tried.
I am sorry, but I cannot read that. Would you mind cleaning it up for me please? I believe he meant that I had already accepted who I was and was resigned to it rather than making progress or trying to change who I was for the better. Unchanging.
So a statement is empowering your internal conflicts. Sure know how that feels. I think you need to find either someone to talk to (I don't mean a psychiatrist, but a friend would do well), or an outlet to relieve you of the depression. Often times when I see my friends go through some internal conflict building up, especially when it comes to lack of self-respect or confidence, venting out comes first, then it's knowing what you need. Just hang tight to what matters really. After all, you're born to live a life you can carve into something great if you persevere. If this isn't who you really want to be, then it starts with you.
ok, short version i guess is pretty much what others have said, go out and do something that is interesting. it's probably the cookie cutter solution to many problems but it works wonders. because it sounds like you need a change in your life and boredom might be a contributing factor as well. so i would recommend doing something that you haven't tried before.