In a world where the big three gaming console makers (Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft) are locked in battle, one boy will unite them all. "Sir, sir! They've finally done it! It's finally been hacked!" An engineer came running out of the testing room to the ship's bay. Salazar Onyx Nerr Yentus stood watching the engineer expectantly. "The third? They found a way in? I didn't expect it to be this soon!" Yentus said. "It's been three years, sir." The engineer replied. "Yes, but I estimated it would take them at least five! This is bad, very bad!" Yentus shouted, and the engineer could tell Yentus was getting very angry. "I'm s-sorry, sir!" the engineer squeaked, and ran out of the room. "Imbecile." Yentus muttered, and turned around to watch the view of space out the window. ~~~ William sat in the giant chair in his office. It was located on the planet Micros, in the Omnia Freight and Travel system. He was daydreaming, looking out the window, imagining what else he could do for the universe. I could make it connect to their brains! he thought. That way, they wouldn't even need a mouse! Or, I could put out a completely new system where the ring is blue instead of red, adding a nice refreshing color to the lives of people who's systems have crashed. His thought processes all worked liked this, coming up with crazy ideas to try to sell more systems. All he ever did was sit in his giant chair, feeling that because he started the company and did so much work as a child that he didn't have to work now that it was established. His assistant, a tall, skinny brunette walked into his office. "Sir?" She said. "I don't mean to disturb you, but I think Yentus and his company has finally reached it's downfall. The third has finally been hacked." William got up, out of his chair then. He stood for a minute, his palm resting on his chin, and finally started laughing. The laughter continued for sveral minutes, escalating in volume until he sounded like a madman. He was. ~~~ Mr. Nin arrived at work in his SmartCar, clad in a stylish white and aqua suit. His building, a giant white bubble made of reinforced steel laid under bulletproof glass, was almost impenetrable, and one had to go through a lot of security to reach the inside. First Mr. Nin placed his hand on the scanner. It blipped, and a step opened up next to the scanner. He stepped onto it. Usually, he enjoyed the process of getting into his builidng, but this part was always his least favorite. On the small step he was standing on, he had to located the little white bumps on the side of this building. His eyesight wasn't as sharp as it once was, which made this task hard and tedius for him. Once Mr. Nin had finally found the bumps, he placed his fingers on them, and jumped off of the platform underneath him. it recessed back into the wall, leaving him hanging by his fingers, now attached to the bumps. He swung his feet onto the wall, then began to climb. It was a slow climb, which Mr. Nin always enjoyed. He challenged himself to see how fast he could climb. His record was six seconds, and it was made not too long ago. When Mr. Nin finally made it to the correct point, he swung his legs off of the wall and did a backflip, landing on top of the bubble building. He bent down, ready for the retinal scan. A small point on the building glowed red for a milisecond, and Mr. Nin knew it was successful. He then placed both his feet exactly three and three fourths of a foot apart. He felt his shoes vibrate, and then a hole opened, dropping him in. As he was falling, he reflected on how proud he was of himself for creating such a great building. It made it fun to go to work every morning. { Will have many more chapters, this is just the very beginning}
Pretty good, I like how you are turning the corporations into characters or places here keep up the good work. There it is, I enjoyed it :)
I'm sure Spaztic appreciates the feedback, but please try and refrain from bumping threads that have been inactive for a few months, unless you are given specific critique. I'd hate to lock good threads.