Connecting the Dark

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Sumi, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    Alright, I'm Sumi, the narrarastor of this story. Every now and then I let Airi and Chiri (you'll meet them later) atke over. And sometimes the weird scary dude voice narrarates in my stead.​

    Chapter one: Innocently mistaken
    “Airi, Wait for me~!†Yelled a short, pretty girl with long blond hair. Another girl, the one called Airi, turned around and laughed, “Come on you slowpoke, we have to get to the meeting place before the others! Or do you wanna miss out on seeing-“ The blonde girl blushed a bright red as she sheepishly smiled at the thought of her beloved.
    Airi turned back around, her short black hair trailing behind her as she took a few steps toward the setting sun on the beach waters. “The sun is pretty this time of day, huh, Chiri?†Airi asked as she straightened the polka dotted pink bow in her hair. She was taller and had a lean muscular build. Her confidence was prominent just from how she stood before turning back to her best friend Chiri.
    “I-I guess so…†was Chiri’s response as she straightened up and ran towards Airi. She was an exact opposite; everything Airi wasn’t, Chiri was and vice versa. Chiri was tiny and a little on the chubby side as opposed to Airi’s tallness. She was withdrawn compared to her best friend’s exuberant confidence, and had shiny blue eyes like the sea they lived on instead of the tree leaf-green of the girl beside her now. “Everyday the sun is beautiful…â€
    “Well, let’s go! We’re going to miss the meeting!†Airi said abruptly and stepped into the water. Chiri ran in after her and together they laughed and swam to the other side of the island that, without swimming, was blocked off by trees and raised land.
    Chiri is my best friend. She always has been. We grew up together on this island with our other friends, but being closer to each other than anyone else we knew. I’m her polar opposite, but somehow we work on the same level. With her long blond hair, Chiri could be a model if she dropped a few pounds and cared for it. But she’s always been content on our little islands.
    We go to school together and have the same teachers; we still laugh and play like we’re in second grade again after school. Are we afraid to grow up? No, I just don’t think we’ve completely accepted the changes we’ve both gone through. Being fourteen is different than being eight, but we pretend all the same.
    Sometimes I wonder, what would growing up be like without her? Would I have been happy with my other friends? Or would I end up being lonely…
    Chiri and Airi swam to the white, sandy shore and as they stepped back on land shook out their hair and took off their wet outer clothes. Their swimsuits under their clothes were wet as well, but they’d have to wait. The two girls ran over to a small boulder-type of rock and forces combined moved it aside to reveal a small opening on the wall of rock before them. Airi stepped inside first and Chiri moved the rock back to its place.
    Airi fumbled around in the dim light of the tiny cave until she found what she was searching for: dry spare clothes. She stripped off her black and pink striped one-piece and put on a button down shirt she couldn’t tell the color of along with undergarments and a fresh pair of boot cut jeans, riddled with tiny holes from overuse.
    As she stepped out into the light Airi’s shirt was found to be a plain white, contrasting her dark hair.
    Wow. Just…Wow. In my thirteen years I have never seen Airi wear white, and I gotta say: she looked amazing. She looked like a freakin’ gothic angel with her dark hair and green eyes being enhanced so dramatically.
    “Your turn, Chiri.†Was all she said as I gawked at her beauty.
    “Oh, right, you look really nice by the way.†I said, stuttering, as I awkwardly took my turn in the cave of re-clothing.
    I stumbled around haphazardly a bit in the dark and eventually found the pile of spare clothes we threw in there over the years. I stripped my white and blue swimsuit off and pulled on a clean pair of over-sized jeans and a t-shirt I already knew was white.
    “Almost finished in there yet?†Airi called from outside the boulder.
    “Yep, go ahead and start moving the rock.†I yelled back through the enormous piece of land blocking my way.
    I stepped back out once the rock had been moved and together we pushed it back to its original place. There we were, two girls, completely innocent beings. For all we knew, life would be this simple forever. But sadly, we were gravely mistaken.
    Chapter two: Kingdom Hearts
    That one dude
    ‘Sora x Kairi’ was scribbled on the stone walls. There were pictures of three friends holding hands and lying on the white sandy beaches of Destiny Islands. No one alive this day knows who they were or why those pictures had been drawn on the walls of the secret hiding spot Airi and Chiri had found as young children. The two girls had stated that they hadn’t been there when they found the old room, but that a new one magically ‘appeared’ every day.
    There were other pictures too, a large key… small dark shadow with frightening yellow eyes… a boy being consumed by darkness and cast into shadow.
    And there were words, one the girls had never heard in their life, written in the loppy manner of a frightened soul and taking up a whole wall.
    “I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately, like, is any of this for real…or not?â€
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Aw. Chapter two was short compared to one. Still...I like it. Took me awhile to get used to the constant changes in narrative. ><
  3. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    Even though it's a bit hard to read, it's a good begin. I'd suggest paragraphs instead of those squares though.