I know there's been threads about this, but again congrats to the new staff. It's always good to extend the family. I love you all. Krowley is now taking my place. He will be helpful, I know he will. =)
Not in the slightest, someone said they were leaving, he acknowledged this and said bye to them, rather nice infact i'd say.
Ok I've been gone all weekend, so I'm kind of lost. Congrats to Krowley. ^^ But did I miss something else or something? I know I don't post much but I still read. ^^;
It's all here. http://kh-vids.net/showthread.php?125074-Some-Choices Stupid choice, but I'm not leaving.
I don't consider it stupid. It's probably not my place to say, but I think that whatever choice you make is yours, and none of it should be considered stupid if you think that's what you should do.
Aww Mike <3 Have all the hugs you want *readies arms for hugs* And I'm glad you didn't leave, it would've been too empty without you. After all, KHV is like a huge, dysfunctionaly family, right?
Awww! Well I read through the whole thing. I'm glad you're staying. And I mentioned something about telling mean people to jump in a lake. :D
Mike is 4ever the KHV Reporter on here. Because he's got a sexy bod! : D Is it bad to have more then one reporter? No, it's better to have more, so I see no reason to get rid of anyone.