Confession at the end of my time. Goodbye

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Shadow, Jun 27, 2008.

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  1. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    This is a confession and a goodbye.

    Yes, if you dont already know, the troll earlier today/last night(DeathCums), was an alternate account made by me. That's right, I was the troll.

    Many rules broken, resulting in a permanent ban.

    The rest of this, is a goodbye, to everyone who ever listened to me, ever payed any attention, and to all my friends.

    I've been here longer than the regular member, only going through a few bumps with the law, or times where I never visited the forum, but still, many memories were made.

    Hissora, I loved you and you broke my heart, but we're alright now.

    Xendran, my brief partner in crime, you're also banned, but we rocked the forum.

    Rat, you're the only one who posted in some of my threads, and I thank you for the attention.

    Jade Rhade, our relationship was odd, I still dont know what happened, you probably will never read this.

    AerithRose, I thought I was falling in love with you, then you left the forum.

    I dont know what else to say, I've probably left out alot of people that deserve recognizing.

    To the forum, it was my life, it was everything I thought about, and I cant believe I have to leave.

    To the end, I say that I am sorry.
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Goodbye Shadow,

    It's been a blast.
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