First off this should go in the tech support board. This board is for help in the kingdom heatrs games. As for your question. 1) Make a video 2) Log in to Youtube 3) Go to almost any page other than a channel 4) Click the "Upload" button near the top of the page next to the search bar. 5) click "Browse" and select the video file 6) Fill out video details 7) Wait at that page until the upload finishes (Depending on the video and your computer this can take a while) 8) Wait for about a day for the video to be processed 9) Edit video settings (thumbnail, comment allowance, annotations, etc.)
Wrong section buddy. :3 Depends on what your asking. First make your video and then save it to your computer. After doing so, go onto youtube and click the upload button. Fill in your info for your video and continue. Click the browse button adn find your videos folder. Click the video that either has a picture on it or something like 'wmm.' file. Wait till it's uploaded and then there. :3
nononoo i meant on Kh-vids i know how to upload them onto i see videos on threads, how do you do that??
This goes in forum assistance. I will go ahead and move it so someone there can answer the question. Also, you wouldn't be uploading the video here. It's a link.
If it is from youtube, you do the following: type - you know those letters and numbers at the end of the link ex. link: (these numbers) You put them where the ** are so if you use this one it should like this: [**youtube=6NlmMxXWEQw]6NlmMxXWEQw[/youtube**] (Take out the ** at the beggining and the end)