I'm nearly finished with it and I seriously can't figure out whether or not I like this game. On one hand: The story is cliche. Classmating is just a new spin on Social Linking. The innuendo is blatantly obvious. The villain hasn't even been revealed and I've known who he is since the game's halfway point. The characters are flatter than Jube's taste in women. The amount of different classes makes it confusing to assemble effective teams of Star Children. It's been three dungeons and the drug dealer subplot hasn't gone anywhere since they found their hideout. On the other hand: The story is okay. Classmating is a rather interesting spin on Social Linking. The dungeon crawling is fun. The combat is a refreshing spin on the standard turn based battle system If you ignore how flat heroines themselves are, their individual subplots are pretty interesting. I'm loving all the bit characters. Classmanting. I'm so confused. I might have to give it a perfect 0 on the -10 to 10 scale that I use.
The game is certainly weird. When I play it I try to not to think about it too hard, because I know if I do i'll end up disliking it. I personally find the whole Star Children aspect to be where the game truly shines, it's a novel concept done very well. The main problem is that the battle system never lives up to it's potential, which was very high I feel.