Comparing JP to ENG Voice lines (Xemnas)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There must have been an argument about this going around at some point somewhere, because yesterday, I received literally over 80 e-mails about this, which is a high amount for such a simple request. It seems there's been arguments that the Japanese lines and English lines for Xemnas are completely different, and have no resemblance while others are saying they're direct translations.

    Well we're here to clarify it for those people, as well as for others. This took some time to get done as it resulted in playing both the english, and Japanese version, writing down their context, and then matching them up, but we're highly determined people.

    The order will go like this (Japanese) = (English)

    Guard! = Guard!
    No stopping. = Kneel!
    Will you come? = Come Closer.
    It's a lie, isn't it? = So it wasn't a fallacy.

    Xemnas Armored
    Foolish... = Cursed Fools!
    Face your death! = (Not used in the English version)

    Xemnas Armored 2
    Only hearts show power = Hearts are power.
    Nothingness is also eternal. = Nothingness is Eternal!

    Sora are you sure Riku believes in you? = Sora are you sure you can trust Riku?

    Riku, are you easily envied, by Sora? = Riku, are you sure you're not Jealous of Sora.

    Accept the Nothingness = Embrace...Nothing!
    Why is nothingness denied... = Why do you despise the void.

    Final Xemnas
    Anger...Hatred...are the highest. = Anger and Hate are supreme.
    Let's go together. = You shall go together.
    Capture! = Bind!
    Begone! = Begone!
    Lightning! = (Not used in English Version)
    Carry! = Pierce!
    Shoot! = Fire!
    Groan! = (Not used in English Version)
    Hey, disappear... = Why don't you vanish?
    You shall give me a heart? = Can you spare, a heart?
    You shall not become light! = There's no such thing as light. = Cursed....Keyblade...

    Hopefully this will clear that, and the conclusion of this is.

    Even though some are changed, they give off the same feel, and there are even some lines that weren't translated at all to English!

    Once again, thank you all for visiting us, as we'll always provide you with KH Content.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jul 27, 2007.

    1. Ninja Sheikah
      Ninja Sheikah
      There is one more line for armored xemnas 2. When the dragon puts up his sheild, glide towrds it and he will knock you back some and say " Why do you despise the void?"(english of course though)
    2. Gravity
      They had arguement about that? People crack me up these days...

      I thought it was "You shall go together," not "You shall together..."
    3. RM Xemnas
      RM Xemnas
      cool! thanks a LOT! now if only I can find a JP Xemnas battle clip...

      PS. "completely different"? I feel like they were just rephrased...
    4. Ienzo
      I never realised that... well I'm not Japanese XD. Thank you, I'm pretty sure it doesn't make much of a difference though.
    5. xemnasfan
      and i still don't understand the last line on the first fight with the building.
      what did he think was a fallacy.

      i also think that it's "anger and hate are supreme." but i could be wrong, his words get slurred together in most of the battles it seems to me.
      he also makes a catish growling/purring noise in the japanese version.

      they should have left the spare a heart line the same as the japanese version, i got confused when he said "can you spare a heart" because spare has two meanings.

      Spare = 'rescue' or 'give a part of something'

      it would have been nicer if he would have said i'm taking sora's heart.
    6. Desmonic
      That many e-mails, just for this?
      The english lines seem cooler though.
    7. TiedToTheDarkness
      80 emails? O.o
      Well, it looks to me like the lines never actually lost their meaning for the most part. They were just rearranged so that they made a bit more sense in English.

      And I don't know about you guys, but the line "Riku, are you sure you're not Jealous of Sora." was what made me really want to kill Xemnas.
    8. Marluxia's Scythe
      Marluxia's Scythe
      Can you imagine final Xemnas going, "Hey... disappear"? Or when he attacks... "GROAN!"
    9. Zeftnon - The Superior
      Zeftnon - The Superior
      A few of these I've never even heard. And in the final battle, doesn't Xemnas say, "Surprise!" when he surrounds you with lasers? And wasn't it "Here!" or "Cheers!", not "Pierce!" Geez, I can never hear him properly XD.
    10. Soku
      That was cool to know.
    11. NSsora
      Cool, but some are new to me. That's nice of you to show us that.
    12. xemnasfan
      well i'm reviewing the final xemnas battle literally.
      and through all the sounds of sora, riku, and the keyblades i managed to make out.
      he does say "suprise" when surrounding you with lasers then "fire" to launch them off. he also says suprise during the riku part.
      during the normal lasers he does say "pierce"
      and when he grabs and tosses you it sounds like "we shall go together" because believe he knew he was going to die at that point and he wanted to drag riku and sora with him into darkness.

      i was watching the video and writing that at the same time so i'm pretty sure i'm right.

      as for the groan thing that might be for getting hit rather then attacking he does make alot of noise when you whack the crap out of him.

      and i think it'd be nice to have him shout "hey, dissapear!" it would make him sound less complicated and less like a scientist, besides it would make the atmosphere of that fight less tense... or well to me it would.
    13. Nymph of Destiny
      Nymph of Destiny
      That's true, although I think it might be better if he said something more like, "I think you ought to disappear."
    14. Reyxsim

      I was hoping his voice would have a metal-grinding (joints of metal parts grinding) while he was in his wannabe-soldier armor.

      It would have made him more sinister!

      cough... (too much matrix)