Square-Enix coming from a ff virgin...

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Lite, Jan 3, 2010.

  1. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    I have never played a Final Fantasy game in my life(i dont know if Dissidia counts), and i was needing to know which one i could start with. I wanted to start with VII, but i dont know of a place near my home that sells PS1 games. I was considering FFX but i wasnt too sure if that game is worth the $15 its being sold for. Also, do the Final Fantasy game stories tie into eachother? in other words, do i need to play the previous games to get what is going on? I know, i probably sound like an idiot to you Final Fantasy Veterans, but just bear(wrong spelling lol) with me here.
  2. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    alrighty then, thanks i completely forgot that FFVII was on PSN. I've been wanting to try XIII but, obviously its not our yet so we all have to wait on that. I've never even heard of Crisis Core so ill gove that a shot after i check out some reviews. Thanks again for the reccomendations!
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    -moved to Square Enix forum-
  4. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    You should know that all Final Fantasy games are seperate from each other and each has a different story and character. Crisis Core is the preqeul to FF7 so things may confuse if you havent played FF7 yet.
  5. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    There are more sequels than Crisis Core. Final Fantasy X has X-2, Final Fantasy XII has Wings (I think that's a sequel?), and then of course the whole collection of Final Fantasy VII (Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, Advent Children [movie], and there must be more)

    I find that with Final Fantasy VII it might be tough to get into the game as there are so many games shooting off from it. I've never played it either but I hear it's wildly overrated. Plus, the graphics are really outdated and give me a bit of a headache, haha.

    I hear Final Fantasy IX is really excellent, though I've never played it and don't know much about it.

    Final Fantasy X is decent, but I've never been able to beat it. The characters can get irritating (coughcoughTidus), but the story is nice. The battle systems pisses me off, which brings me to my next suggestion:

    Final Fantasy XII has, in my opinion, an infinitely better battle system. I picked it up at Gamestop just recently for $12 and I'm really enjoying it so far. The main character is a bit irksome, though, but the graphics are really nice. Not PS3 level of course, but still, it might be the best you'll see for the PS2. If you really want to experience the traditional Final Fantasy turn-based battle system, then this isn't the game for you. I really find that system to be dreadful though, especially coming from playing Kingdom Hearts for the past five years.
  6. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  7. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
  8. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    But before you get Crisis Core, play FF7. Crisis Core was a sort of spin-off to FF7. If you wanna understand it, you should play FF7 before. Crisis Core is about Cloud's days in SOLDIER, cept' it stared Zack from SOLDIER for some reason.
  9. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Honestly, I'm going to be comepletely different from everyone else here and say that Final Fantasy IX gives the best idea of how the series works and not just because its my personal favorite.

    Another good place to start is, as often mentioned, FFVII, even if I do find it to be criminally overrated. Just do NOT start with FFVIII. That one is so completely different that a bad experience with it could potentially kill the series for you.
  10. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Yep, Final Fantasy VII is definitely the best game to start at, mostly because it's quite easy to get in to. Final Fantasy VIII is easiest for me so you can also try that if you want, then you should probably try the PS2 FF games. Though you should leave FF II last, it's probably the hardest one.
  11. Captain Hero Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 5, 2008
    I would have to say, start with FFIX. FFVII is my personal favorite, but IX is not only a challening game, but it's entertaining and the side quests will keep you hooked for hours. If you're a fan of power leveling and that kind of stuff, then Chocobo Hot and Cold will be a fun way to get some good stuff early, if you're VERY, VERY, patient. I haven't played all the Final Fantasies, but I'll give you a list to play from the ones I have played in a recommended order.

    Crisis Core: FFVII

    Like I said, I haven't played all of them, and this is just my personal ranking of what I have played. I haven't played III, IV, V, or VI. From what I gather, they are amazing games and worth a try. Each of the games has a different feel to it and one of them will draw you in based on your own personal tastes. It's a hit and miss to find your favorite, though.

    Hope this helps!
  12. eentje Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 7, 2007
    I don't really know with which one you should start. I started with VIII, but I think X is easier. Or VII...

    You should not, and I repeat SHOULD NOT start with XII. It starts slowly and is really complicated at some points. It is, in my eyes, a true masterpiece by the way. If you have played some FF games you should play it.
  13. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    If you don't mind there being no significant plot, try I.
    If you want to get acquainted with the greatest villain in existence, give II a spin.
    If you're a fan of midget heroes, III is solid.
    If you like Star Wars, go for IV.
    If the first one didn't bore you, V is a good choice.
    If your favorite class is Monk and you're not afraid of clowns, VI is the one for you.
    If you want to know the meaning of fear, go for VII. (I don't care what anyone says, FFVII scares the piss out of me. "Those Chosen by the Planet." 'Nuff said.)
    If you want to get acquainted with the manliest villain in existence, enjoy VIII.
    If you want a genuinely enjoyable experience that speaks volumes about the classic appeal and brilliant score of the true Final Fantasy aesthetic, check out IX.
    If the idea of underwater basketball appeals to you, have a go at X.
    If you want to play WoW but you hate elves and orcs, XI is your dream game.
    If you're a ****** or you have some extra cash after buying the above, consider XII.
  14. iwuzhere9 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 21, 2009
    In your pants!
    Well, my first Final Fantasy game was Dawn of Souls for the GBA, which is I and II on one handy dandy cartridge (how convenient!) Then, I moved on to X, and then VII, VIII, and XII. I recently got IV and V. My two least favorites on the list are X and VII, with V being at the top, followed by XII and VIII, because all three of these are such drastic changes for the series.
    V - This one has an amazing job system for a lot of possiblities that play out wonderfully in battle. The story, however, is severly lacking in its stead.
    VIII - An interesting spin, as levelling up has little do to with your strength but juncitoning magic and summon monsters (known as GFs in this one) are what increases your strength and gives you abilities. Nice plot, though a good bit different from the other FFs
    XII - The beginning is hard to bear, but it really is a great game. It plays like an MMO, but by yourself if that makes any sense. The Gambit system helps you control allies without having to constantly issue commands. The License system is a cool way to work on characters abilities, and can essentially result in your characters being both godly with swords and magic. The story is exceptional in this one.
  15. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    I: As long as the game is good and lengthy, it works for me
    II: Sweetness
    III: In my opinion, midget heroes = badass
    IV: I've never seen Star Wars...but ill give it a shot
    V: have to try I first
    VI: Monks rawk and clowns dont scare me...much
    VII: I was gonna try this no matter what anyone said
    VIII: i know the villain here, just give me a sec.....o_0
    IX: Well, i played Dissidia (didnt count it as a FF), and Zidane was annoying as hell. But its PS1 so there's probably text boxes.
    X: Ive heard great things about this one, as long as Tidus's annoyance level isnt Zidane level, then i'll be fine.
    XI: Never played WoW but ok
    XII: This one will be my last resort

    Thanks to everyone who has given me reccomendations, ive been wanting to play the FF series for a while, but i didnt want to start off with the wrong one and get a bad impression on the other games in the series.
  16. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    If you have a PS3 then you can buy FFVII in the Playstation Store. Or go play FFI & II on the DS.
  17. *dancewaterdance* King's Apprentice

    Mar 8, 2007
    The Alter of Naught
    I have recently discovered Final Fantasy too. Got Crisis Core back in June, then AC Complete, then FFVII via PSN (somehow I managed to follow everything lol), then FFVIII via PSN, and I got Dissidia and Dirge of Cerberus for Christmas. I am loving FF and am seriously considering trying the other games due to Dissidia (for some reason Zidane pissed me off for a while but now I like him fine, so what the hey)

    Anyhoo... as far as I can tell, you don't have to play in "order" i.e. FF, FFII, FFIII, etc. The games aren't really related to each other except for a few names, the Summons, Chocobos, Moogles and some weapons/items. I may be missing some things though, like I said I am new to this.

    I can't really recommend any games, since I've only played two (three if you count Dissidia, and I'm not counting DoC/CC), but... I loved VII, and I really like VIII so far. I suppose VII would be the safest to start with since it is probably the most popular FF game and most everyone seems to like it.
  18. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    For an NES game, it had one hell of a plot.

    Beware of a rather painful levelup system.

    Because the graphics and art style have so much impact on the gameplay [/sarcasm].

    I hear this comparison all the time, but really don't see it.

    FFV has more in common with FFIII than anything.

    Considering that there are no actual character jobs in FFVI, what exactly are you talking about?

    How does FFVII scare you? Its really par for plot, characterization, difficulty and everything, really.

    If you also enjoy a battle system that's even more painful than FFII's, character interaction that makes no sense, plot holes miles wide and an ending that leaves the entire game completely pointless, then FFVIII is very much the game for you.

    And here I expected a comment that condemned FFIX for being different than the other games (even though at the time it was closer to the spirit of the series than VI-VIII were)

    Of if you thought FFVIII's idea of a romance centric plot was good and want to see it done right.

    Having played both games, I can assure you this: FFXI is nothing like WoW.

    Are you one of those people who thought the game had no plot because they didn't pay any sort of attention to the background because that's where the plot of political warfare took place?
  19. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    lol not liking others thoughts and feelings towards certain games.

    It's pretty much combine what people have said and see what catches your interest. I'd recommend FFIX since I find that a nice point to see whether you'd like to go down on graphics (cause I know some people dislike out dated graphics) or up on graphics (which also adds voices). I wasn't too fond of FFXII, it was pretty nice but it was painfully slow IMO, I thought the plot was pretty good except for the whole main character not being the main character thing xD
    I'm currently playing FFVII, it's pretty good, over ratted a little but still a decent game. I've also played FFII which I loved, it's simple but entertaining.
    Your choice for what you go for but it's best to take a look at some videos and wikia pages or something first.
  20. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    A couple of those were pointing out objectively false points, but yeah, alot of that post was rebutting opinions, but is it a bad thing for me to offer a second opinion?