I got my free copy yesterday but I haven't had the chance to download it yet. Might try it out over Easter but since I haven't played the first two I'm in no rush to put it at the front of my backlog.
Has no relation to the first two games, really. Would advise playing at least Bio 1 to just get the gist of the weirdness in the world, but meh.
Console? Pfffffffffffffffffffffff Nah I'm kidding mate. It's still weird on the PC too, being on the "V" key default. Still dunno where else to put it. But my one, one problem, is that there aren't manual saves :\
Finished it bout an hour or two ago. Ending. Mind bender. I've got in on PC but I use a 360 controller. It's easier and I'm a better gamepad guy when it comes to shooters. That's why the PC version is fabulous. Never noticed the manual saves, the checkpoints are very good though from what I've played, never further than a minute behind I last left.
Ah, gotcha. It's just super annoying having autosaves when my brother and I are both trying to play without screwing each other's progress up.
Speaking of that, did they fix the gamepad support on PC from Bioshock 2? That's probably my biggest issue with Bioshock 2 right now and I'd hate to hear that Infinite has that problem too.
Can't speak for Bio 2, but the gamepad support is fine, like any other game as far as I can tell. No need to map buttons or nothing.