oh hai. Made her purr this morning with these colors, babes. cnc, siempre. Only downside is that there really isn't a focal. Otherwise, I touched up on everything. But if you can spot something off, just holler. Oh. New piece I made for KHI's SOTW: I friggin love it.
OMG i love this type of style i always try but i end up failing x3. Ok this tag is hawt my only complaint is that towards the left of the sig it looks like its cut off from the rest.
lmfao. All you have to do, is make a new layer, and lightly brush a lighter color compliment. For instance, I looked at her skin and grabbed a very light and rusty brown to go over it, then I used light and rusty blues/reds, and just kept going. I'm about to digivolve out of it though. I'm getting too fond of it. I'm glad you like it though ;3
The effects are magnificent, which I like in your signatures, but, like your other signatures, they're all way to bright. It needs more flow to it. Work on the contrast and brightness a little less next time.