
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Arch, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Well, this is a rather general thread. I've been wanting to make a thread like this for awhile. There's been similar threads but nothing quite like this specifically for what people are studying.

    For those who aren't in college/university, do you have any idea what you want to study? What do you think you can best apply your skills to?

    For those in a college or university, how far are you into your education? What's your major? Your minor? Are you majoring in more than one subject? Do you have two minors?

    And for people like me, do you plan on getting more degrees at school? Some extra school along the way in your career? Maybe go for a Graduate degree(Masters) or even a Doctorate?

    Anyways, to start this off, I'm going to say a bit about myself to get things going. I'm a double major. I'm majoring in Physics and Applied Mathematics. Basically, I'm like a physicist, only I know what the math means. I'm in upper division stuff(I'm a junior in both subjects) so I really know what I'm talking about when I mention either math or physics since I'm simply good at it. I plan on going off to get a Masters in Physics...or Math. Then from there I'll get my Doctorate just because I refuse to be known as anything less than Mr. Dr. Professor *Insert last name*.

    Anyways, if there's anyone who wants to major in either Math or Physics and isn't as advanced as me in them, you can always ask me questions about both subjects! Just because you're good at Differential Equations doesn't mean you're good at Math.

    So...what about everyone else here?
  2. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    right now I'm just getting an associates degree down, hopefully by the end of next semester, and after that, I'm hoping to go to the University of Colorado Denver to major in 3D Animation. I don't know what I want to minor in. My mom says I should go for something like music, but I do it as a hobby. Maybe I'll minor in writing of some kind, since I like making stories
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I did Pre-business for two years because I wanted to go into Accounting, but I changed it. As of next semester when I officially declare my new major, I'll be majoring in Political Science with a concentration in Public Administrating and double minoring in Business and Philosophy.

    I'm taking Political Science because I want to go into Law School and even though it's the LSAT that matters, it'd be stupid to not have a good understanding of the political system.
    The concentration because that would widen my range of job choices after I graduate.
    The minor in business is because I took so many pre-business classes that I'm only three business classes away (counting one I'm in now) from having that minor so I figured I might as well finish that.
    The minor in Philosophy is because that really interests me and I'm hoping to finish the last requirements in either Ethics or Logic.

    After law school, I would love to be someone's campaign manager. My biggest goal would be either Governor or congressman (though considering I'm a liberal in Tennessee, I might have to move lol)