I DIDN'T KNOW YOU MADE GRAPHIC ART!!! Excellent job, but only the second and third ones are Code Geass signatures. The second one is by far the best out of all of them. You know, none of these are bad in any way. They're all magnificent. 10/10 for all of them.
I just called them all that because I was too lazy to think of a good name for the thread. Yes, I do make signatures, but for myself.
They're Both sooo Preettyy ^^ I love everything in those sigs 8D no problem there 10/10 Great Job :3
a shop is pretty fun (i have one XD) you just gotta be careful when when you get busy. anyways, my favourites would have to be the Sola one and the 3rd one of C.C. they both look really good. Keep up the good work.
These look familiar, is this you? http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?t=45457 And they are all awesome.
Hmp, I like 'em all. Nice texture, nice piece of coloring, it's all good. What can I give, my best, no...my ultimate. 1000/1000. These deserve more than they give credit for.
You need to add more variation to your style. All I'm seeing are a series of duplications changed to different opacities, distorted, and angled with the stocks to create some sort of /flourishing/ effect. Next to that, the light sources are blotchy and lower the quality of the stock. The third one's nice, but could use some work with pastels. The typography in all of these is basic. I'd like to see you experiment with different fonts, rather than staying rooted to the thick, traditional font choices. I'd also suggest to grow out of relying on those scatter brushes to create the illusions of fireflies, sparks, or 'stars.' Experiment.