XD; I missed it on t.v. D; I was so pissed when I realized. But then yeah, Libre told me that it was on [as]. So I'll probably watch it later. ;D I'm so excited to watch it.
I'm new to the show, and to be honest the first half of the episode was a complete train wreck (no pun intended). Everything happened incredibly fast with non-stop scene transitions. There was no room for any character development or proper introductions; they basically threw a whole bunch of random people at you at once. The second half was a bit better. Things ran a bit more smoothly, but it was still rather confusing. There was absolutely no explanation as to why those "terrorists" kidnapped that girl and then she was (along with his old friend) supposedly killed. They both seemed like pretty important characters to be killed in the first episode, but I'm sure it was for a purpose. Generally, the pilot episode of a series is very tightly packed because they want to hook you right away, so I guess it's unfair to criticize it at this point. I'm positive that it will get better, especially since a lot of members like it so much.
The characters develop over time... *spoiler hint!!!!* Are you sure his friend is dead? >.> *end spoiler!!!!*
Yeah, I figured as much, I just didn't like how it was done. I knew that the characters would be important, but Lelouch had absolutely no inquiry about the events, he merely accepted them. Then again, it is a completely different state the world is in, so some things might be more commonly seen than in our world. I don't know, it's stupid, but something about it bugged me. *I had a feeling he wasn't really dead, that run-in would just be completely random and pointless then. That's why I said that he was "supposedly" killed.*
I found it spectacular personally. well built story thusfar, I thought. I like Lelouch(sp?) his motives are much what I would see myself doing in that situation.(as far as I've seen at least, onle first ep though)
It was difficult to follow. Like the above people said, I had character after character chucked at me. I simply asked myself "Who is that character?" and already there were five other characters having some impression on the unfolding events! And I never liked Clamp's artwork style, the characters look too strange, granted I watched a tint of Tsubasa [about episode 14?], but after a while it got tiring and the artwork annoyed me. I liked Johnny Young Bosch as a voice actor, but Lelouch [which is a really odd name,] doesn't seem to fall in easily. The voice sounded too seperate from the character. I think I'll skip this one.
UM. XD I DID THE SAME. ;_; it's a shame, really. Bosch has the feeling right, but it's just his voice that I don't really like... :/
I started watching it in Japanese, but it got removed from crunchyroll.... T_T I didn't know it was on Adult Swim though...what time? And what episode are they on?
Yep, the first season started on Adult Swim already. Uh, Saturday nights, and I only know an idea as to what the schedule is. I think around... 1am? www.adultswim.com check it out, I know they have the schedule somewhere. Annnnndddd I think they're on episode... 4 or 5.
1am...why's it always have to be so late? That's usually when I'm starting to think about going to bed, if I stay up and watch it I'll space out too much to pay attention XD Much rather it be at least around 11...oh well, I'll just look for episodes on the internet I guess. ty HigherBeing
I've only seen the english version and not the japanese version. I started watching this on Adult Swim and i think it's an awesome anime..so far anyway