What cart? *sips* NUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Not emo! Coco should never be emo! I shall keep you warm! *huggies* It's what waifu's do. O:3
The cart with the plushies in it! o: I can't get away from it, poor plushies needs company. ;.; Out in the cold.. With rain and wind.. All alone.. 's like a Christmas tale. Yush waifu! And waifus makes more hot cocoa for their chocolate hubbies. :> Hot cocoa every day keeps the emo away.
Better be some Zelda plushies in there! Awww, you're their hero in time of need. Ever thoughtful. :3 You'll work me to the bone with all this cocoa makin'.
Maybe there's a chibi wolfboy in there? It was obvious that someone from the North survives only on hot cocoa! o: