I am pretty tired of seeing these dumbass CnC's like - omg! it's so nice I love it!-. That's not really a CnC it's just posting. So I wonder why just a few of the people that post in the arts & graphics section havn't noticed THIS stickied tread ?. I am just posting this tread as a reminder to all the people that post in this section, start posting real CnC's =D.
lol they know about this,but they just want their post count up.most of the people that cnc dont have a clue about graphic design.so they just say i like it and nice and whatnot.but i do agree that these little things are getting annoying.
Yeah, that little fact is a little annoying to. Well that is the things that made me make this tread.
Well, I completely agree. For the one time I've made a post like that I took the liberty of adding a little meat to it, though. Problem with stated thing is some people don't want critique and just post it for those stupid spoonful-of-ego comments.
I couldn't agree more to that to. But when some people post their work in this section they have to be aware of that they might actually get some realy CnC xD.
I do that when i'm lazy and don't wanna give a full paragraph of cnc, but I acually give a little crit, like a scentence worth.
Seriously,if someone can't comment on something properly,then wtf's the point?Not all art work is perfect and the whole reason for CnC is to find out what needs work.
In all honestly, I don't see what's so wrong wtih dropping a little appreciation note. :/ Yeah I drop a couple of crits as often as I can, but sometimes, I honestly appreciate the tag for what it's worth. And simply want to tell the creator I like their work.