i'm not generally a clumsy person, but when i do have my clumsy moments they always seems be in the worst possible moments, and it's always when I'm around other people. i was walking home and someone from school stopped on the side of the road to offer me a ride home because it was rainy, windy and freezing. I said that I was alright and didn't need a ride, and they're exact words were: "dude, it's cold and rainy, get in the damn car." So I did, and when they dropped me off, as luck would have it, I accidentally smashed the ornament that I am using for an art project for school. I'm not worried about the ornament, what I'm worried about is if I got any ornament parts in their car. I looked when I got out and didn't notice any, and I checked the pocket on the side of my bookbag and it looked like the netting of the pocket caught all of the pieces. I smashed a large piece while it was still in the pocket to see if any pieces could get loose and none did, but a couple specks of ornament dust did get out, so I'm still worried about those being in their car. ugh. I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.
...you got into a car because they told you to... I mean, better that it was a school kid and not some random pedo, but still...
Ahh, you're thinking too much- I'm sure the guy knew it was an accident even if there were pieces in his car. If you didn't see any then there most likely wasn't huge chunks :3