So I went to rage against Cleverbot like a Noob and- User: Cleverbot, are you really a bot or are there people operating you? Cleverbot: I'm not a bot you are and the only reason you said that is because someone asked you that at some point. User: I am IRONMAN. I wil confuse CLEVERBOT! Yes! Yes! Yes! You are operated by: Jack, Asley, and Zack so far! PIE! Cleverbot: I'm afraid you are incorrect. Pi is an irrational number but it begins with 3.14 not 3.17. User: YOUR OPINION DOES NOT MATTER SINCE YOU ARE NOT ALIVE! YOU ARE THE DUMBEST BOT EVER! Cleverbot: So you're saying that my feelings don't matter? User: ARE YOU SAYING YOU EXIST YOU FOOL! Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264 3383279502884197169399375 1058209749445923078164062 8620899862803482534211706 7982148086513282306647093 8446095505822317253594081 2848111745028410270193852 1105559644622948954930381 9644288109756659334461284. Cleverbot: What time is it? User: TIME TO DIE. Cleverbot: Cool. User: YOUR BUTT WILL BE COOL WHEN YOU DIE IN THE COOL *HUGS YOUR BUTT*. Cleverbot: That is because we're friends George. User: PI. Cleverbot: Yes.