As the title says, you will be expecting something of Cinderella. This is actually my first real life kind of thing. No, none of this happened to me but its nothing of fantasy and stuff like that. And yes you'll end up seeing the "ohshi- its almost midnight!" thing. XD I always appreciate criticisms. It may sound like a journal then again it might not. Eh, oh well. XD Also, you might end up seeing some grammar mistakes. I'm using my old computer and the program I'm using to type this was weird. >> I know its short but hopefully the next chapter will be longer. 8D Chapter 1 “Alex, wake up dear. Oh Alex.†The feminine voice continued to call out my name. I immediately knew why; it was 6a.m. and I had to begin my chores. I grabbed one of my pillows and put it over my head, trying to block out the woman’s voice. At first, she called out softly, but I began to hear an irritation in her tone. “Alex!†I quickly sat up and looked to the direction where the voice was coming from; a small speaker I had against my wall. “Alex, be a dear and make the girls and I breakfast. We’re starving.†I stared at the speaker and groaned. Why can’t they make their own food for once? I sighed, wishing I didn’t have to do this. I rolled my eyes, got out of bed, took a shower and got dressed. There’s no point in arguing about this; I had to do what I was told in this household. The woman that owns the house and me is named Susanna Williams. She’s some sort of famous director or something. Although, I wouldn’t say famous since not that many people like her; her daughters are “popular†in my school, or so they think they are. The one that is popular is named Fabiola Torres; I never liked her. She caused me too much trouble when I first met her. Susanna isn’t my legal mother, she’s only my guardian. My real mother passed away during childbirth, and my father died from a car accident when I was seven; Susanna knew my father and decided to take me into her household, but she only took me in to treat me like her slave. “Here you go.†I said, handing Susanna her breakfast. I looked around the room, not seeing Britney or Tifany- Susanna’s daughters. “The girls left already.†Susanna said with her mouth full. She waved her hand at me as if she wanted me to leave already. I mouthed ‘okay’, then turned around, leaving the room. “Oh wait, Alex.†Susanna called. “I want you to stay home today. You need to do a few things.†I turned back around and slowly walked over to her. “Um, Susanna, I have to go to school. I have a huge test today that counts for part of my grade.†Susanna groaned, continuing to put food in her mouth, which was quite disgusting. “Okay, fine. Apparently your education is more important than my needs.†I shook my head, turning around and leaving the room. She always treated me this way, whether it was because the house needed to be clean or she just needed someone to be around her. When I would stay home, it would just turn out weird. She’d start crying and ask me questions dealing with her career, and I would just sit there, staring at her. *** I’ve been told by my best friend Abbigail- I call her Abbi for short- that I’m like Cinderella, trapped in a hell hole and waiting for my prince charming to come. When she told me that, I couldn’t help but laugh. Who would want to come and rescue me? I only have one friend out of thousands of students in my school; I doubt I’ll be saved any time soon.
You know it would help you a lot more, if ABC family wasn't running BOTH "cinderella story" movies. I'm sorry but this sounds exactly like that; and when I mean exactly, the speaker thing....that isn't very original, though I'm enjoying how you've improved in writing. But for originality....thats another story.