My christmas haul, anyway since it seems like we're all making our own threads this year. From Santa; Candy and a GPS. awwwww yis From Mom (and Step-dad by extension because lord knows he has no idea what to buy me ever); Hero of Breath Zip Hoodie (IT'S SO COMFY) new scarf which I actually desperately needed. More candy Socks Hair clips YGO cards (but I get these every year soyea) Razors (are you trying to tell me something, Mother?) Rain boots but idk if I want to keep them A lottery ticket From Other People; Four Doctor Who novels from my Aunt A knitted hat and scarf from my Sister-In-Law that she knitted herself (they're really cute) That awsome thing that Bushy made me $95 in cash and gift cards from my Uncle, Grandma, and Brother On top of that, my father has promised to buy me whatever I want when I go to visit him next week. Not a bad haul, I guess. Also that cash is going toward video games.
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, at least. I want Pokemon White 2 as well, but I think I'll wait and let Dad buy it for me. Also gonna see if I can't track down a copy of YGO Tag Force 2 but I'm not holding my breath. If I had gotten more money I might've sprung for a PS3 instead but I guess I get to keep waiting for that one.
If Miracle Mask only had online multiplayer... But hey, what's your 3DS friend code? Surprised we don't already have each other