
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Midnight Star, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Are you afraid of the unknown? Would you volunteer for something without knowing what it was? Good or bad? Would you take a risk? Would you take a pill, not knowing what it did? Stick to what you know or enter the unknown? Your choice.

    It all started with some plain posters asking for volunteers but not saying what for. It simply said for the volunteers to come to a certain address at a particular date and time. Soon news spread and everyone was talking about the posters. Finally the time came, and the boldest stepped forward to volunteer. These became known as the volunteers. A strange red-haired woman met them outside before they disappeared through a black door.

    The door turned out to be a portal to another world, now the volunteers must enter the unknown. There choices will shape their future in this strange place where anything is possible. The volunteers must survive in this world alone, not knowing whom to trust. To help them in their journey, they can take some strange pills, of all different colours, not knowing what weird or wonderful effects they may have. They may be good, bad or just plain strange. There’s only one way to find out. Good Luck.

    The pills
    At several points in the rp you will get the chance to take a pill, this could do anything to your character – good or bad. You can choose which colour pill to take and I will pm you its effects, which you put into the rp whichever way you choose. You can decide if it affects your character suddenly or gradually. I am open to suggestions as to possible effects, just pm me them.

    · No God Modding
    · Please use proper grammar and don’t use *actions*. It would be good if each character has their own colour but not needed
    · Try to be active, I know stuff happens but please don’t just vanish or join and never post.
    · 3 lines per posts minimum please.
    · This is a PG-13 rp
    · If you take a pill, you have to rp its effects.
    · Feel free to ask any questions, any suggestions welcome.
    · PM me if you want a special part other than a volunteer.
    · Post profiles on the OOC thread please.
    · Post ‘Make the right choice’ in your OC form.

    Link to OOC Thread

    The rp will start just before they volunteer.

    Accepted OCs

    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Mai
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/B/BB/BBA/bballplaya506/1154741772_anime_girl.jpg
    Bio: Mai comes from a pretty average family, she has a little brother who she is forever fighting with and her parents are good if a little boring. She has always been the boldest of her friends, always first to volunteer for whatever may come up. She has been picked on in the past but she has learnt to be strong and not them bother her. They may still hurt her inside but she won’t show it. She loves the chance to do new things and when this poster appeared, she saw it as a challenge.
    Personality: Mai is an optimist and likes to look on the bright side of things, she’s confident and will give anything a go, always looking for a new challenge. She’s very hyperactive and is always on the go. She’s never been good at being a girly girl and given the choice she would much prefer to do something thrilling and get her hands stuck in, than bother with make up and fashion. She is very determined and will put in the work to reach her goals. She is loyal to her friends and will stand by them.
    Other: She is very small and agile.

    Username: Terra
    Name: Grey
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii45/ArchAwesome1/BlueEyes.jpg
    Bio: Grey made very few friends due to his bold nature as he often offended others with his actions and words. He never stuck too close to his family as he could not bare to stick around in their average lifestyle and moved away from them soon after he turned 17.
    Personality: Grey is naturally a very curious person, often getting himself in trouble or putting himself in danger just for the sake of satisfying his curiosity. He's extremely independent and bright, normally putting faith behind his own thoughts rather than listening to what anyone else has to say. Grey's confident almost to the point of arrogance but will stop in his tracks if he knows he can't handle something. He can always make the right choice.
    Other: N/A

    Name: Alex
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Bio: Alex rarely ever socialised with anyone throughout his entire life because of his shy nature and family problems,because of this, he had no friends - making him quite the loner. He is, however, highly adventurous, not to mention extremely inquisitive and will jump right into something completely new and unknown - regardless of the consequences.
    Personality: Alex is extremely curious when it comes to new things, especially when he has no idea what they're about. When you first meet him, he may seem to give off a sheltered vibe, but really, he isn't sheltered at all - Just very shy.
    Other: He always carries a pile of books around with him.

    Username: LilBueno
    Name: Hayato
    Gender: Male
    http://jesus-freak91.deviantart.com/art/Rud-Han-202368435?q=boost%3Apopular%20Rud%20Veritas&qo=12 {The one blonde on the right}
    Bio: Hayato grew up a relatively normal life. He was well-liked for his classiness and soft words. However, life had always bored him. Being smarter than others, he was at the top of his class. When he was in elementary school, his mother died from overdose. The doctor who had prescribed her pills used a set of weighing scales, but had been drinking on the job and prescribed too high of a dose. For some strange reason, Hayato became fixated on stairs after this. His dad would beat him after becoming an alcoholic due to his wife's death, often demanding what was so interesting about the stairs. In high school, during one of these drunken beatings, his father lost his balance and fell down the stairs to his death. Hayato stared at his body and thought, "Life is just a matter of balance." He moved on to graduate with honors, but was still bored with life. It was because of this that he volunteered.
    Personality:Soft-spoken Hayato always has a smile on his face, despite what he's thinking. He has no problem speaking what's on his mind. Deep down, he's a gentleman. However, the boring life has led to be apathetic.
    Other: n/a

    Username: Marushi
    Name: Kayta
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Shoulder length black hair, clear grey eyes, always wears black jeans, black hightops, a red tank-top, and an oversized black trenchcoat.
    Bio: Kayta lived with her parents and older brother until she was fourteen. She had been at school one day, and when she got home, she discovered that someone had broken into their home, shot the rest of her family, and burned down their house. She doesn't know who it was or why they did it, but she vowed to find them and get revenge. After a year of searching for the murderer with no success, Kayta was almost ready to give up on everything. Hope, revenge, and even life. Then she saw the poster. She decided to give it one more try and volunteered. She'd learned that she would never find the murderer by herself.
    Personality: Kayta is stubborn and introverted, but underneath her take-on-the-world-never-smile facade, she has a gentle and adventurous spirit.
    Other: The trenchcoat she wears belonged to her brother, and he had lent it to her to wear the morning before the murder. Now she never takes it off, and keeps all sorts of useful things in her pockets.

    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: Mya
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Bio: The "strange" girl. She never wore make up or shopped for fasionable clothes. People thought she was a cheap (insert nasty name), but she's just like the rest of them. Her parents went off for a vacation, but strangely never made contact with her for 3 years.
    Personality: Very caring and cheerful. She looks mostly to optimism. Sometimes though, she has another side. It rarely comes out...Whatever she does, she tries to make the right choice.
    Other: Wears a neckalace from her mother. Treasures it.*

    Username: Ienzo
    Name: Xektia (nickname 'Zakk')
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Bio: Her parents treated her well and she excelled in school, she was always an friendly an outgoing person always ready for adventure. The person she was closest to in the world was her sister- Emily who mysteriously disappeared one day. She was determiend to find her and would stop at nothing. After graduating and leaving school early at age 16, a year after Emily's disappearance, her parents began blaming Xektia for everything. They told her she couldn't go on to University because they wanted her to stay with them and take over the small family business of a bakery shop. She refused and ran away. Upon finding the poster she knew she had nothing to lose.
    Personality: She is a friendly, outgoing person who loves being around people. She has little fear about her own life yet gets very violent when angry. She enjoys finding solutions to problems or just solving puzzles and is very laid back (when she's not angry). She also loves entertaining people by making them laugh.
    Other: She always wears the headphones, sometimes around her neck and sometimes on her head. She does this because she loves music and her and Emily used to listen to it all the time and make silly dances to it.

    Username: AwkwardFailure
    Name: Zachary (Zach)
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: http://www.kh-vids.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=26242&d=1305151329
    Bio: Grew up as the youngest of his 5 siblings, always brought down by his siblings, parents, and peers. He did have one sibling who really cared about him, his 2nd oldest sibling, Carter, who Zach looked up to. Carter was only 3 years older than him, since there were the triplets, Carter, and his oldest sister. They did everything together, and Zach wouldn't talk to anybody else but him. One day he woke up and Carter was gone, everything of his brother gone. Everybody of his family said they didn't know, but he knew the truth. He ran away from home, just wanting to get away from everything. He was on the borderline of ending it all after a month on the streets when he saw the poster. He took this as a second chance, and without hesitation decided where he was going next.
    Personality: Mostly happy, but in some situations he totally falls apart, becoming angry and depressed. Although mostly happy he just does that so he doesn't make other people down. Doesn't get angry easily, but when you get him angry he's absolutely furious. He often zones out, unaware of things that are going on when this happens.
    Other: Has a shark tooth necklace from Carter from when he was 5, he never lets anybody touch it.

    Mai walked towards the place the posters had specified, a small smile on her lips. Her body filled with nervous excitement. There was about 5 minutes to go and decent crowd was already there. Although, she expected most of them were just there to watch, not to actually volunteer, it was a big event in a place like this. She didn't know the area that well, and the building everyone had come to was bigish but fairly bland on the outside, nothing that could really tell you what was within or what they were there for. Oddly there weren't any windows either. Her friends walked with her, constantly babbling on at her though she wasn't really listening. They were encouraging her, egging her on with all these reasons why she should. She also knew if she were to suggest them volunteering, no doubt they could come up with an endless list of excuses but she didn't mind. They were her friends and they meant well.

    It had all started a few weeks ago when these posters had appeared, asking for volunteers but didn't specify what for. She'd been naturally intriguied and it was a new challenge, it spiced up the usual predictible routine. After not much thought, she decided to go for it. She figured you only live once and it could be an oppertunity of a life time. Of course it could be some really horrible job or something really boring. But that was the whole fun of it, it could be anything. She was heading straight into the unknown.
  2. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Kayta walked slowly, her eyes on the ground in front of her. She didn't want to see the crowds of people watching her. She didn't want to see the smiling faces, the laughing little kids. She tried to drown out the noise, the shouts and jeers of the mob of onlookers. But it didn't work. She could still hear it, all of it. SHUT UP! She screamed in her head. Why doesn't everybody just shut up and leave me alone? A set of steps came into veiw at her feet. She had reached the building. She finally looked up. It was big, but there were no outstanding features to distiguish it from any other building. In fact, if it weren't for the immense crowd, she would have thought she had come to the wrong place. Slowly, she climbed the steps, her head bent down again. Now what was she supposed to do? The instructions had been "Go here at this time". Nothing else. So she waited at the door.
  3. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Alex trudged along the street towards his destination, tightly holding 3 books up to his chest, trying to stay away from the enormous crowd that had gathered there. Not that it really mattered how close he was to the crowd, as they didn't seem to be paying any attention to him at all. All their attention was directed towards a girl in front of him. He sighed with relief, but at the same time he felt a sad feeling creeping up, a feeling of depression of loneliness. He shook the feeling away, no use feeling depressed at an exiting time such as this. He followed the girl and slowly climbed the steps.
  4. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    As Mai got closer, she managed to push her way through the crowd to see stairs leading up to a black door. There were already two people up there, and it didn't take a genius to work out that was where she needed to be. She paused at the bottom, asking herself if she really wanted to do this but she shook her head slightly as if to dismiss her doubts and began to make her way up the stairs, slowly but surely. She didn't really care if she got any attention or not and she would have got none, had it not been her friends embarrassing her and cheering her on. Good intentions, she reminded herself, though she was starting to regret telling them she was doing this. She smiled at the other two as she reached the top and said a quiet, "Hey."
  5. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    "Hey." Kayta didn't look up at the girl that had talked to her, and she certainly didn't try to make her "Hey" sound friendly. She was curious, though, even though she would never admit it. She wanted to see what kind of people volunteered with her. She waited a few minutes for their attention to be elsewhere, and then she took a sidelong glance at them. Hm. A chatty girl with lots of friends, and a boy that looked like he was a real bookworm. She looked down at her feet again, feeling worse then ever. Her brother Silas had loved books. He would sit for hours reading a book he had read a hundred times, and then he would start quoting it at her when she was mad, trying to make her laugh. It usually worked, too. He would use these weird voices for the different characters to make them sound funny. She would get furious at him, but she couldn't keep herself from laughing. One day, she had been so angry that she picked up his book (a copy of the Silmarillion) and threw it in the washing machine, already filled with soap and water. He didn't yell at her or anything. He just looked her squarely in the face and said "Thus the quest of the Silmaril was like to have ended in ruin and despair; but in that hour above the wall of the valley three mighty birds appeared, flying northward with wings swifter than the wind." And then he turned and ran out of the room, waving his arms as if he were flying, and cawing like an eagle at the top of his lungs. That was the night before the murder. Kayta snapped out of her recollections with a start. Control yourself, She thought. It wouldn't do to start crying in front of all these people.
  6. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Alex looked up slightly to the voice, "H-Hey...." He replied shyly, not used to talking to other people, especially girls, as they tended to ignore him the most. He took a glance at the other girl that he'd been following a few minutes ago. He noticed from her body language that she looked either depressed or extremely anxious, but because she was hanging her head, he couldn't see her facial expression. The other girl, which had just joined them, had a half-grimace half-smile
    plastered on her face, which probably meant she was really anxious.

    OOC: No idea why I put Nick...
  7. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Xektia was bursting with excitement. Finally, a chance to get out and do SOMETHING. She smiled as she skated around the corner, the music pumping into her ears. When the building was insight, she noticed the large crowds gathering outside and stopped to take it in. So many people, the colours of their clothes, the smells of their perfumes, the textures of their hair. They were all different and unique, Xektia loved this large diversity of people.

    When she reached the edge of the crowd she picked up her skate board and pushed on through the sea of bodies, taking in the different snippets of conversation that she heard. She began climbing some steps and saw a few people already there. "Hey there!" She smiled in a warm greeting while taking her headphones off. "I'm Xektia and I'm assuming you're all volunteering? I'm glad I'm not the only one." She laughed and awaited there responses. She looked at the others, the first was a boy about her age who looked very shy yet clever. The second was a girl with gorgeous long flowing grey hair, Xektia couldn't help but notice her size but admired her. The last looked as if she was lost in her own thoughts, Xektia was excited to get to know their different stories and what made them the way they are.
  8. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Mai hadn't been sure what to say before, the girl who was already there hadn't seemed that entusiastic to talk, she seemed absorbed in her own mind and the guy seemed shy. He didn't strike her as he kind of person who would volunteer but that just intrigued her more. She was thankful as Xektia came bounding up, she seemed very lively and cheerful, she was sure to make things more exciting. Mai grinned and nodded firmly, "Name's Mei, pleasure to meet you all. And yeah, shouldn't be too long now before it starts." The crowds behind them had grown since she arrived and with the new volunteer, they seemed ready as ever but up these stairs away from them, they were just background noise.
  9. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Alex looked up as Xektia bounded up to them all exited and giddy. "Hey" He said, a bit more clearly, "I'm Alex, nice too meet you..." He gave a small smile. Feeling more confident now that someone enthusiastic had joined them. "Do you think there are any other volunteers? Or are we the lot?" He asked whilst fiddling with a corner of a page in his book, noticing he was the only male in the small group.
  10. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    "Yeah, I really wander what they want us for. I'm not a patient person I'll tell you that. Anyway, Nice to meet you Mai." Xektia grinned wishing the others would hurry up, she was bursting to find out their task, would it take a long time? Would it be dangerous? Would it be something boring and mundane? Should she leave her skateboard here or not? It raised many questions and she was getting tired of waiting. "Hey Alex, nice to meet you too. I don't know, I recon there won't be loads of us. Many won't have the guts to walk up these steps. I hope there are a few more, and hey, I'm sure there will be another male- they're supposed to be quite brave right?" She smiled.

    Would her sister be involved in this? She couldn't help but ponder the question but the chances were slim, this was all she could do with her time. Maybe if she returned then her parents may reconsider letting her go to university to live out her potential. All she could do was wait.
  11. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Alex gave a half hearted shrug. "I guess." He murmured. He glanced down at the massive, cheering crowd which had formed, wondering why he was up here and not down there, not sure why he even joined this crazy thing in the first place.
    "Any particular reason you guys...volunteered?" he inquired, figuring that if he listened to other reasons that he might realize his own.
  12. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Xektia looked at Alex. "I joined to prove my parents that I'm better then some bakery assistant. They want me to take over their small shop but I have my own dreams, I want adventure, I want to go to university to study English and Science... well, I haven't decided which and I'm not sure I can do both." She shrugged with a giggle. "Also, my sister disappeared and in a sense I'm looking for her... but I doubt this will lead me to her. Oh well, can't balme me for trying right?"
  13. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Kayta looked up and glared at Xektia. "I'm here because I have nothing else to live for." It might seem a little unbalanced, but that was the truth and Kayta never shyed from the truth. "And to find the guy who murdered my family." Then she looked back down at her feet, clearly showing that she was not inviting further comments or questions.
  14. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Zach walked through the crowd, unnoticed by anybody. He took out a small piece of folded paper out of his pocket, having the address on it. That explains the people.. he thought. Since nobody noticed him he stopped, touched the shark tooth on his necklace, Please tell me I'm making the right choice.. he snatched his hand away, he contined to walk. There were even a few other people right by the door. He walked out of the crowd of people and over to the others. As he walked he observed who he'd be stuck with for who knows how long. The book worm, and, well, that's all that could be identified from appearance. They all looked like regular people mostly, but Zach knew there was always something on the inside. He took out a smooth rock from his pocket and felt it, stuffing it back in as he came up right next to the other people. He scratched the back of his head, "Volunteering, very exciting-" he said sarcastically, "So I'm with you guys..and maybe some other people..ya know..if they come. Name's Zach, what about you guys?" he asked, glancing around.
  15. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    "I'm Kayta." said Kayta. She didn't say anything else. She just glanced at Zach and then looked down at her feet again. There was something about him that made him seem... Oh, I don't know what. But she felt like she could relate to him somehow. Not like she'd ever tell him that or anything. That would just be wierd. But she felt it just the same.
  16. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Such long posts D8

    BIC: Mya casualy walked towards the crowd. She didn't want to come, but something made her. It was if...it was destiny. Destiny my ass. I was just bored. She muttered under her breath. She wandered near the others.
  17. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    "Mai, nice to met you" She said with a smile, glad for the distraction. They all had such good reasons for doing this compared to her, she hardly had any story comparitively. And Katya's, she had no idea how to respond to that, but Zach had just took that pressure off her. She wondered how many more were to come, it couldn't be long to go now. She looked at the black door, wondering what could behind it, it seemed kind of daunting. They'd find out soon enough anyway.
  18. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Xektia looked at the new boy that had appeared. "Hey there! I'm Xektia, people call me Zakk for short but that may get confusing." She laughed enthusiastically. "So you can call me Zekk." She smiled at him. "Nice to meet you."

    She also noticed another person coming toward them. She looked different somehow but Xektia admired that, true strength comes from gonig against the flow of the crowd.
  19. jojojojo97 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 18, 2010
    in a galexy far far away.
    John walked toward the crowd gathered and frowned. With so many people here, it wasn't likely that he would be the volunteer chosen. He sighed and enterd the crowd. He pushed past people trying to get to the front of the crowd.

    OOC: Sorry about the short post. The next one will be longer.
  20. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    "Nice to meet you all." Zach nodded, a small grin forming, "So.." he stared at the black door, it was almost ominous. "Creepy door, hmm, this just made me a lot more enthusiastic then I was!" he flopped his arms in the air, quickly going back to a more stiffer position with arms at his side. Good posture. It's a good first impression, because you'll be stuck with them for a while! he remembered Carter saying, the voice practically echoing through his head. He hated when this happened, then he got all sad, and seriously, who likes somebody sad? Or at least that was Zach's opinion. He noticed Kayta take a quick glimpse at him, which made him both interested and..well..strange. He was use to quick glimpses and looking away, but this was a bit different. He noticed one or two other people heading toward the front of the crowd, and they were either anxious watchers or maybe more people to be stuck with throught out the volunteer thing. He looked at the door one last time, seriously, what was behind there?

    OOC: Sorry for long post (Or at least for me)