Children of Organization XIII: The Movie

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Vladimir Makarov, Mar 26, 2010.

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  1. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Dear Phenox,
    We have seen your various deeds and our creative department thinks that you guys will make a great movie! We wish to meet with you and your friends in person to discuss the movie, if you wish to partake in it. Meet at the Big Movie company building tomorrow at 4pm.
    Yours Truely, Bill Preston

    Phenox recieved this letter from a Big Movie company. He decided to respond and these were his terms.

    -None of the members play in the movie
    -At least 3 million dollars in pay for himself and the members
    -Johnny Depp plays him

    Big Movie agrred to these, and the members were shipped out to Hollywood to film the movie.

    Note: Those apart of the Children of Organization XIII RP, this RP will in no way affect the storyline.

    No Godmodding
    No Powerplay
    Use Quotations
    Be Literate
    TRY to spell correctly

    OC Form

    Name: (Their name)
    Age: (Their age)
    Gender: (...Only male or female)
    Element: (Choose one)
    Powers: (Don't go crazy)
    Child of: (Pick your Organization XIII member)
    Weapon: (Don't go crazy)
    Appearance: (Picture please)
    Actor/Actress: (Who plays your character in the movie?)

    My Characters

    Name: Zexa

    Age: 66

    Gender: Female

    Element: Darkness

    Powers: ???

    Child Of: Luxord

    Weapon: Cards and Dice

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Actor/Actress: Neve Campbell


    Age: 87

    Gender: Male

    Element: Nothingness

    Powers: Control over all Nobodies, can use lasers and Ethereal Blades

    Child Of: Xemnas

    Weapon: Ethereal Blades (Interdiction)

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Actor/Actress: Jonny Depp

    Name: Oen

    Age: 58

    Gender: Male

    Weapon: Huge Battleaxe

    Powers: control over all heartless

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Actor/Actress: Brad Pitt

    Name: Erix

    Age: 85 (O_e)

    Gender: Male

    Element: Twilight

    Powers: his DM, Omega Light Cannon

    Child Of: Roxas and Namine

    Weapon: Oathkeeper and Oblivion

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Actor/Actress: Patrick Dempsey

    Name: Zxach

    Age: 40

    Gender: Male

    Element: Twilight

    Powers: can read minds

    Child Of: Erix and Mixya

    Weapon: Oathkeeper

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Actor/Actress: Roger Jackson
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