Kingdom Hearts Chernabog, A.K.A. The giant devil stuck in a volcano in The End of the World

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX' started by P, Jul 25, 2008.

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  1. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Okay, first off, anyone find him difficult? I know I did.

    Secondly, what movie is he from? He did not seem familiar.
  2. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    He's from Fantasia.

    And yeah, I thought he was pretty hard to beat.
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Fantasia? Sorry, I think that I may have missed it.

    Care to summarize the plot of the movie, and Cherny's part in it?
  4. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    Well, it dosen't really have just one plot. There's a bunch of different segments in it where different things happen, and Chernabog's in one of them. Here's the part where he appears:
  5. Repliku Chaser

    Chernabog is a great demon in Fantasia that in the segment raises the dead on I think all Hallow's Eve (aka Halloween). They dance around for him and have a wild night of fun but as the morning comes, he has to stop his directing and all and the dead return to their burial sites etc and he goes back into his volcano.

    I thought it was cool that they had him in KH and also there were Heartless that resembled him.
  6. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    I never knew that he came from something, I thought he was created for the game. I guess I was wrong xD.

    And I did find him challenging, but not impossible.
  7. Repliku Chaser

    I thought he was rather easy as it was just Super Glide added in with doing the same tactics you do to Ursula and genie Jafar of hitting them on the head or a specific body part. You do just have to glide around more though.
  8. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Disney almost got into trouble for this segment of Fantasia, of course, generally because of how the cartoon was dark, forboding, and demonic, but also because it somewhat had to do with the Church as well.

    A little elaboration on this is that:

    The demon half is quite obvious, raising the dead and transforming them into all manners of demonic or sinly figures, such as hell hounds, naked women (Not they only time something like that is in Fantasia, in fact), and then casting those transformated creatures into the volcano to die when he generally "got bored with their antics". But, what really ticked people off, was the fact of "Ave Maria" being played in the church belfry at the end in the dawn, casting Chernabog and his like to be swept away with the morning sun.

    Of course, Disney did get in alot of trouble for their cartoons sometimes being dark or scary, but "Night on bald Mountain" is the most infamous of these cases.

    I'm not really an authority on the subject, but I know quite a bit, because I had to study the Boss and Cartoon when some noob decided to destroy the Chernabog Article on the kingdomhearts wikia.
  9. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life
    So so. He's not too hard because he didn't move, but he's hard because his attacks was stong O_o
  10. Repliku Chaser

    Chernabog is an actual demon in mythology. I found the piece interesting. The song Ave Maria does not take place until after Chernabog is being ordered back into his state of sleep and the dead spirits etc are being forced back to their slumbers as well. The angelus bell tolls when Chernabog is at the height of his power from the dancing of the spirits and drawing on the power, which then forces the spirits away. So really, the church had no reason to gripe at all, which is normally the case. It was symbolic of the demon/devil having his night but then before he can do anything more, he is put back in his place and Ave Maria closes it out to a more peaceful state when the work of the demon was over. Some people have no taste for symbolism or the recognition of the fact that it was a simple story to music and that is what the creators wanted to do to the music. It was perhaps to me the best part of Fantasia and I'm glad to see Chernabog has actually been able to remain despite some silly protests.

    Also, yes, there was some 'nudity' in Fantasia but it's elusive and was meant for adults for the appreciation of music that played itself. I can really think of no better tribute to music than putting it to art. Though I found Fantasia boring in some parts, I still definitely appreciate the work they did on it.
  11. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I think you are reffering to the train of though that I was saying that the church was against the film. I'm not quite sure, but I don't think they were totally.

    I'm talking about the country where we're haveing repeated disasters, terrorist attacks, and where we still want "In God we trust" to be taken of coins, dollars, and as our Country's motto, just because a couple a complainers can't deal with what Eisenhour(Sp?) did. Can't be bothered with a couple of tax dollars to make License Plates that say a simple but strong message. I'm talking about Atheist Extremists that were against a Catholic song being in a cartoon, that many Atheists griped about.

    Strays from the actual topic, but I really had to make everyone aware of what I actually meant. And yes, in mythology Chernabog is a demon. Slavic, to be precise. And the piece for "Night on bald Mountain" was written long before the actual film Fantasia
  12. ~Misa-Chan~ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 16, 2007
    I want to goo zee moon :O *points at moon*
    He's the Devil from Fantasia and yes..I found him pretty difficult to beat him too.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    I have never heard one atheist complain about Fantasia. Fantasia was complained about by some religious people but really it even had elements of evolution in it and I think we should back off this discussion here since it's straying into an area not meant for the KH section. In the end it was meant as a symbol of music so anyone that took art to music wrong was kind of silly. Chernabog just looks cool and was fun to fight in KH. I was hoping he'd make an appearance in KH2 but alas, ah well.
  14. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    And don't even get me started(!) on gas prices these days! I don't that I...Oh....sorry...^^"...

    But as for Chernabog makeing a reappearence in KH in future titles besides I, as he obviously didn't appear in II, it's a possibility....but, I am curious as to what other Heartless look like him...O-o
  15. iHEARTu3xx Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 31, 2008
    I didn't think he was that hard,
    but he scared me and this made battling him semi difficult.
    i also had no idea he was from Fantasia. (never watched the whole thing)
  16. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Hmm. What would be interesting to contemplate would be his role with the heartless.
  17. Repliku Chaser

    The ones called Invisibles. They are black with wings and large swords that are found at the End of the World. Terminus/Incompletes/Invisible-1.jpg

    There's a pic of one. They show up before you go to face Chernabog I think. I just remember them being at the End of the World area.
  18. ~Misa-Chan~ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 16, 2007
    I want to goo zee moon :O *points at moon*
    I really hate those Heartless D= those were pretty hard for me to beat
  19. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    When I saw him I said, "Oh he's from somewhere.But where?Also the song.Hm?" The song they put made the battle...interesting for some reason.But yes,he was pretty hard.Especially when you'd be close to beating him then he'd start doing like a bigger fire around him.That got me annoyed.And Donald and Goofy kept on dying.It got on my nerves.

    Those heartless,I hated them.Everytime I went up against them,I would die a lot.
  20. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    To me, they resemble Darksides more....but I suppose if you count the wings, horns, and such,.....

    On another note: Trust me, I need not reminders of what Invisbles look like. To me, they are the worst Heartless imaginable, worse than any boss.

    There's a trick to keeping Donald and Goofy alive. When you see Chernabog doubling over, prepping his volcano attack, you not only make Sora turn tail and get the hail out of there, but you also un-target lock Charnabog(If you have a lock on his head), and press the triangle button twice. This will make Donald and Goofy follow you, and they won't get hurt too much.

    It's the Volcano attack that's most crucial, so just load your party full of Hi-Potions and mega-potions (Elixers too, since Aeroga sometimes helps) and do as I said for the Volcano eruption. Pretty easy battle if you do that.
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