My uncle recently died through an accident at work. I still get sad thinking about it, but I've gotten better. But he and my mom were very close, and she still gets really upset when she thinks about him. He was an amazing guy. He would help anyone who needed it, and my mom adored him for it. Today while we were in the store she started tearing up a bit. I asked if she was okay, and she didn't really say anything. Now that I think about it, we were asking what she wanted for Christmas, and I think she might have wanted to say that she wanted my uncle back. But anyway, just now she came and hugged me randomly. I feel like she's upset and I want to do something to help her, but I can't think of anything. Help?
Well, im very sorry about your loss.. All i can say is try to make her feel happy during these few weeks ahead because it's the holidays..My uncle passed away also and my mom was also very close to him, and she's remembering his last christmas..It made me sad to see her like that, just...try to help her is all i can say. This might not help but just trying to help :D
I know how it is, Just try to make her keep positive and try to make her have some fun to take her mind off it.
May he rest in peace It's hard to get over people's deaths You and your family should make something for your mom; and have your uncle on it or something?
In all truth, I think that she just needs time to think things out. I mean, I know its not a nice subject to talk about, but how long ago did he die?
I'm sorry for your loss.Losing someone is hard to get over.I haven't dealt with that feeling but only when two of my dogs died.And just by seeing the way I reacted to the death of my dogs,I fear of the day someone close to me will die.Try your best to make her feel happy.She doesn't have to forget about your uncle completely but she needs to get her mind off of his death.Hope that made sense.Just try your best to comfort your mom.
Such is life. You just have to keep on going. No sense whining over the fact that the person is gone, instead reflect on the fun experiences and memories that you've had with them. And if you can, throw a pie at someone. it always gets a laugh.
i did that when my dog died. aimed at my sister, and a direct hit! Aw yeah! anywayz, white rock is right. it's best to stay positive and remind yourself life is fun and know your uncle would love it if you and your mother enjoyed the long life ahead of you two.
I'm also sorry for your loss. There's noting you can really do. Deaths are really hard on people. Just make sure you stick around with your mom. She may need a shoulder to cry on, but you being there for her will help matters in a way.
Sorry for your lost. It's a sad tragic, thus you & your mother can't except the fact that he's gone. I think you should gather up some of the memories you've had with him. Like: Video's Pictures His Personal Items that you can hold on with you.
Make her think positive. The past shouldn't hold you down. I also know that your uncle who now must be in heaven watching over you doesn't want your mother to cry so much because he cares for her.
I'm so sorry. May he rest in peace. People can eventually get over things. Just give her some time and let her know you're there for her. Let her know you've lost someone important to you, too. Hug her back. XD
Hmmm... It sucks losing someone close to you. I'm really sorry to hear about this. The best thing I think isto talk to your mom about the good and bad times you had with your uncle. Talking about it might help those painful memories. :)
For Christmas you should put together a pohto album of your uncle. She might like that. It remind her of the good times.
Thanks everyone. :3 It was October 8th... Which is a little unfortunate, because his birthday is October 20th. Actually, whenever someone in the family dies my mom likes to take something insignificant, that no one would really miss, that belonged to the person. we're working on getting her his hunting hat.