Charles Darwin: Evolution

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Shadow, Mar 3, 2007.

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  1. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    Do you think the theory of evolution is real?

    Some arguements:

    Parts of the Bible have been proven
    Why aren't we still evolving?
    Why aren't the apes and chimps evolving?

    Personally, I dont believe in this theroy. Also, I dont believe in god or the Bible.

    What do you think?

    Charles Darwin himself admitted that this was JUST A THEROY, on his deathbed.
  2. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    Interesting. We had some lessons in the religion class last year about this. Bible and many relative religious things are similar to this theory you know.
  3. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    1. The bible was written by man, and they change it every week. (Seriously, they do make changes to it once a week), so chances are at least 1 thing will be proven becuase they made it that way.

    2. We ARE still evolving. Something people don't realize is that evolution takes...let's say 302987 years to make any signifgant changes? And besides, humans have reached a state in their evolution where we don't need anything more. We have already found ways to sustain ourselves as a society so our bodies will not evolve into much else other then this over a long period of time becuase we do not need to make an large changes in our bodies to survive. In fact, humans are LOSING body parts. People are being born without wisdom teeth, which is a tooth that many thousands of years ago was used to help eat raw meet. We don't NEED it anymore, so people are evolving into not even being born with wisdom teeth. You see what I mean?

    3. Same thing goes for Chimps and apes, they ARE still evolving but you will NEVER see any real changes in our lifetime.
  4. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    I believe in parts of this theory, I do believe humans did/are/will evolve to how we are today, I do not however think we evolved from monkies, but rather a lower form of human, I dont believe in cross-species evolution, because then there would be no monkies today. In my opinion.

    Unless something unnatural causes a rapid evolution at molecular level, which would most likely end up with the animal dieing all together rather than survive
  5. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    There are many more things except bible you know. I know what i'm talking about. This theory is similar to the seven days of creation.
  6. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Evolution is real, guys. :/

    It's scientifically proven. >.> Otherwise there would have not been an agricultural revolution, or the bronze age, or the ancient China ages.

    It's real. Period. :/

    EDIT: Okay, I think I need to explain this...

    Evolution is what? Evolution is the advance over a LARGE amount of time. We as humans, are said to have evolved from apes. First homonids, homo habilis, homo erectus, then homo sapiens (correct me if I was wrong). It clearly shows that we have evolved from a lower or close ancestor to the apes. Over that course of time, we discovered new inventions, new THINGS for us to thrive on. We figured out how to farm, and even how to produce our processed goods and even TRADE. Without trade, evolution would lose at least 1/8 of it's theory. But in my opinion, it's not EVEN a theory. It's fact. Otherwise they wouldn't teach you about it as realistically as they do in schools. Because I know for religion and myth it's all belief, so they are commonly saying things like "according to the belief's", whereas with evolution from small creatures it is absolutely proven. It was not more than about 5 months ago scientists even discovered a smaller HOBBIT like creature. This is reshaping our knowledge of human understanding; evolution alone. Evolution isn't restricted to humans, it has come this way for everything. Again, I say it, a large change over a large amount of time.

    Compare the prehistoric ages to now. You will see what I mean.
  7. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Aeon Sora...wth? I wasn't even talking to you.

    And I don't believe in the teachings of christianty or anything else for that matter. Everything religion based was made by man. And man was only trying to explaint he world around him. As in, every religiont hat is similar to this was only men writing stories as ways to try and figure out evolution. Of course there will be similarites. We may all come from different cultures but the human mind no matter where you go will all work the same.
  8. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    Ok man. Sorry. I know that you didn't talked to me. I just stated my opinion. What's the problem with that?
  9. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Aeon Sora, your opinion can't intercept here. We're talking about rock solid fact. You're speaking from personal opinion.

    There is nothing wrong with stating your opinion, but it can't match up. The facts don't demean from that.
  10. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    If you knew.......this actually hurt. I know what i'm talking about. Scientists have actually talked for the similarities of the evolution theory and the seven days of creation. And if you want proof i'd be more than glad to bring it to you!
  11. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Aeon Sora, I've already stated why there's similarites. Let it drop please.
  12. correct me if i'm wrong but was'nt it proved that we evolved from homosapiens?
  13. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    WE are the species homosapians, we evolved from something else.
  14. oh... oops. Well I should just stick to chemistry and bio-chemistry and bit's of physics.
  15. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Evolution happens. That's a fact. Charles Darwin was trying to explain how it happens, not whether or not it exists.

    You should be debating his theory of 'Natural Selection', not evolution. Even then, natural selection has been an acceptable theory in mainstream science and most evolutionary theory to explain the how species 'evolve' throughout time.

    The only reason why it can't be physically proven is because no being can live long enough to see the differences first-hand. Evolution is a slow process, thus can't be showcased in laboratory experiments. It's a suggestive type of science that is shown using fossilized diagrams and geographic analysis (for example, Darwin noticed he found two species of turtles on the east coasts of South America and the West Coasts of Africa shared similar genetic foundations, suggesting at one point--those particular species of turtle lived together when Africa and South America were still together). The fact that these species of turtle eventually deviated away from each other genetically in their respective habitats is due to environmental factors--caused by adaptation via natural selection.

    Before it happens, I must also stress that mutation and evolution are two different things.
  16. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well they are two different things. What we were getting at was if mutation truly happens from evolution.

    Which was already established somewhere along this discussion.
  17. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Really, didn't gather that from what I read thus far. And the answer is it doesn't. The reverse is more likely.
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