In this thread will be disscussed what characters your going to be using in most of your role-playing. Name: Insert name here. Appearance: Mane, eye color, muzzle, Ect. Likes/Dislikes: Optional Back Story: Optional Powers: Magic, incredible speed, elemental power. Current job: Baker, librarian, Ect. Age: Anywhere between just born, to the maximum 130 years old. (Princess characters are taken once called by someone.) My characters. Name: ShockFury Appearance Power: Lightning Job: Working as a head chef in ponyville Age: 35 Name: NightRose Appearance Power: Water Job: Head baker in the ponyville bakery Age: 32 Name: ThunderWing Appearance Power: Lightning Job: Royal guard Age: 56 Name: FrostBite Appearance Power: Water (Uses Ice mainly) Job: Royal guard Age: 57 Name: Ayannagateau Appearance Power: Water (Has hard time using) Job: When of age, takes mothers place as head baker Age: 7