Based on the Poll Demyx will freak out!Thanks for polling! Part 3: ~Demyx~ Demyx woke up with a start.He looked around his room and summoned his Sitar. It did not come to him.He jumped out of bed and looked around the room."What?!" he did a 360.He got on his organization coat and ran out. *** On the stair he wondered if someone might have taken it."Have yo seen my Sitar?"he screamed at Axel."No,why?"he replied."It is gone,it would not summon....And I think somebody stole it!"he screamed in Axel's ear."Inside voices,Demyx....And why would anyone want to steal that piece of junk?"he asked."It's not a piece of junk!"screamed Demyx."Do you know what and inside voice is Demyx?"he asked.Demyx just nodded.He ran away down the stairs.Axel rolled his eyes."It's probably somewhere in his room.."he muttered. *** Later in the breakfast room Demyx was freaking out."Where is it???"he asked running around.Everyone looked confused."Where is what?"asked Xemnas."My Sitar!It's gone....!"Xemnas shook his head."Didnt you send it to the fixers?Because one of the strings broke?"Demyx stared at him.He did!This is so embarassing."Uh...Hmm..."He said with his best:uh-I-think-your-wrong-look. He ran up stairs."He did?Really?How stupid!"Larxene pointed out.Everyone laughed but Xemnas and Demyx. At that moment Demyx noticed something that had been there that he couldn't see:Nobody likes him,they like to make fun of him,he is not tough,he is annoying,he needs to get stronger,and a Sitar is not a MANLY weapon of choice. He noticed that it was not all fun and games in the castle and that he trusts nobody.He is in it for a heart and that's what he'll get!Sailor moon and Hothead aren't even going to stop him! Demyx's life has changed and in the next chapter you will find out how... PLZ IF YOU READ THIS REPLY AND DO THE POLL!PLZ!