I've seen someone's recent post about them changing their signature so I decided to change mine's. Look at its awesomeness. >:3
Hey, I got bored . . . well i've been bored. So I decided to tamper with your sig pic. Code: [IMG]http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t448/Nights18/LoriahSig.png[/IMG]
I don't understand the quote. Do you mean that there is nothing in this universe which consists of anything (impossible considering matter exists) or that nothing has mass and/or atoms (also impossible because it is nothing. There are no atoms in nothing.)?
You okay if I use this? :3 It looks so cool with the name included. Oh that? I don't know LOL. I just made it up.
She quoted it because Lightning said it in Final Fantasy XIII, IIRC. Nothing more, Nothing less. Doesn't answer your question, But that's why she has it.
No, i'm fine with it. That's what I made it for. I get bored and do stuff like that. I'll keep it hosted on my online album if you're using it. No biggy.
I also cut down the size, curved the corners, and added a frame. I do that to most of the signatures a make, gives it a bit of . . . pizazz lol
Thanks, fluttershy's my fav ^.^ Your sigs cool, it's got an awesome overlay design to it. The eagle wings look great. That's why I faded the name in like that to make it blend with the pattern. It doesn't stick out as much as just plain white text.
No problem ^.^ So I just took something you worked hard on and gave it a signature look. If you ever need anything like this done just give me a call. I'm normally free and love working on them. I've thought about opening my own graphics shop but that's too mainstream . . . I like to get my publicity other ways ;P lol
DAY ONE: I changed my signature :3 DAY TWO: I changed my avatar :3 DAY THREE: I changed my view on life :3 DAY FOUR: I changed into a carnivorous lizard :3