Request challenging signature

Discussion in 'Art Shop' started by Sora/Roxas Light/Dark, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. Sora/Roxas Light/Dark Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 16, 2008
    With Axel ;)!!!
    im so sorry im fussy so if you not up to a stupid fussy siggie leave now as it is an annoying siggie

    im so sorry guys :( im new and already asking for stupid sigs

    ok heres the siggie:
    can someone do like a black and white signature like split in half white on left and black on right

    that has sora in the white and roxas in the black

    then in black writing on the bottom left hand corner 'Sora's Light' without quotes
    then in white writing on the top right hand corner 'Roxas' Dark' without quotes

    and then in the middle in black writing on the white half and in white writing in the black half
    'combined makes a balanced keyblade wielder' without quotes

    again im sorry for being fussy