Now I had a real rough time trying to figure out how to draw a chainsaw. In the end I just couldn't do it. I need more time to design it but I kinda liked this early sketch so, you know. Apparently I've offended some people by saying I suck, so I'm trying to think of whether or not I should say it. Either way, this is the Colbert Report. *theme music plays*
Whoa. You are good. But the thing is. Is he supposed to be that strong to hold that chainsaw with one hand? ._. It seems like a chainsaw is a very shaky dangerous tool. And with one hand it seems like it can fall off and roll over. But that's just my thought. So yeah, you're a good drawer. Keep it up, and you might get better.
yeah, i figure he would look something similar to that. anyways, his pants look like sora's. but i really like it that way. i think this is one of your best drawings yet.
Thanks, I appreciate your input. Well I know that real chainsaw would have that issue but not a magic one, and this one is tantamount to being magical. So, although I'd like to draw something more realistic sometimes this isn't one of those times. So yeah, if you want a longer explanation you could ask Chervalier or follow the link in my sig. Whichever will cause you least annoyance. Looking at it now, I sorta see the shape similarity. Thanks for you input. Just as a reminder, I think this one was almost too simple to mess up too badly but I still want to be sure you guys tell me what you think is wrong.