
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by kairigirl22, Dec 12, 2009.

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  1. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki

    We are chained. Chained by fear, by love, by nightmares, by dreams, by death and by life. We didn’t have a choice, but who does? Who can go against fate? No one that’s who, no one. We are Dermas. We are who we are, not because we chose it, but because we were born that way. Chained to our masters, to do their bidding no matter what. We should hate them, maybe if we could, we might even be able to wish that we could hate them, but we can’t even chose how we can feel, that’s up to them as well.

    The war has just ended between Towaira and Maderin. Maderin’s victory was determined by a three day battle in Towaira’s capital city, Titania. King Edward of Maderin has ordered his surviving soldiers to bring back any survivors from Titania and bring them back to Maderin to be interrogated, and work as slaves, and the ones most likely to rebel are put to death after interrogation. But what King Edward doesn’t know, is that there is a secret rebellion that has already formed by the prince of Towaira, Prince Peter in the Aron Mountains in Towaira. And another secret organization started by one of his most trusted Captains in his army, Captain Benjamin (sorry my character), All remaining survivors wish to join this rebellion and take back Towaira from Edward's evil reign.

    Information About Characters
    Within the Land of Towaira and Maderin there are beings called Derma's. These beings look and feel like humans do, but these beings have the power to summon weapons of immense power and uniqueness from a very small age. Derma's are born with power far beyond any human being along with being able to summon great weapons, they can also manipulate spiritual energy, but to reach their full potential they must sign a contract with a human, whom they shall be permanently bound to until one of two things happen, they die, or their masters die, which consequently kills them as well, Derma's cannot live without their masters. Once the contract is signed the Derma’s one and only concern is the protection of their master, and they may not leave their masters side unless told to do so. But their situation is not puppet like, it’s more like they become one hundred percent devoted to their masters and would do anything for them. Masters and Derma's feel a bond bigger and stronger than any love and Derma's may not feel hatred toward their masters no matter how they treat them for this bond does not allow them to. The life of a Derma is a hard one, many are sold at young ages to wealthy families as bodyguards. Every Derma is born with something lost, many are missing body parts which leave them handicapped, and many have lost family members, because they cannot have their power without a price. To be ruled by one master, with no choice in how their lives are lived. They are forever chained to the feelings and the demand of their masters.

    Derma Spiritual Abilities

    This ability mainly focuses on the persons body. The ability will consist of enhancing ones own body using spiritual energy. Examples: Increasing ones strength, increasing their speed or heightening a sense, etc.
    Classified as minor.

    This would be creating physical energy out of their spiritual energy. But these physical energy’s must come from the derma’s weapon. Examples: Creating fire or lightning made out of energy, etc.
    Classified as major.

    It kind of speaks for itself, being able to use the derma’s spiritual energy to enhance the minds power. There are two types of psychic abilities, Aggressive and Passive.

    Passive are powers that will not affect anything but the person that’s using it. Examples: Being able to see the future, sensing when danger is near, feeling another persons emotions, etc.
    Classified as Minor.

    Aggressive are the opposite of passive, they are mind powers that will affect other people and items besides themselves. Examples: Telekinesis, being able to read a persons mind, being able to increase the energy of something else, sucking energy from another life-form, etc.
    Classified as Major.

    Derma's in general are rare, but these Derma's are extra rare and “special†they defy everything about spiritual energy and take it to a whole new level.

    All that are classified as major you may only have 1, but you may mix and match 2 minor abilities. If you want to be a special, please PM me or contact me in some way telling me your idea for a special and have me approve it, not everyone can be a special only a select few, sorry. =[ Also your weapons ability should be stronger than your physical ability.

    Army Ranks

    Social Class
    Upper Class – did not work, income comes from inherited land, and investments
    Middle Class – Men or women who preformed “clean†work, paid monthly or annually
    Working Class – Men and women who preformed physical labor, paid daily, or weekly wages
    Lower Class – Men and women who do not work, or preform physical labor without pay

    1.) Please no God-modding

    2.) I don’t mind a little cussing but please not too much, thanks

    3.) You may have more than one character if you’d like but make sure you can keep up with them

    4.) I don’t mind a few one liners here and there but please don’t post everything with only one line thanks

    5.) You can be either a Derma or a Master but if we have too many of one then I’m going to have to ask people to get another character.

    6.) Somewhere along the plot line I’d like each Derma to pair up with a Master, if you think that you’d work better alone then see #3

    7.) I don’t mind if you’d like to use this Rp for something just ask please, I probably won’t say no =P

    8.) Please don’t kill other peoples characters without permission thanks

    9.) You may control others characters but only with that persons permission =D

    10.) For this Rp I don’t care if the plot gets a little bit off, but if it gets too drastic then I’ll have to get it back on track =D

    11.) Please keep the romance up to PG-13 thanks

    Sorry about all of the rules guys =P Be sure to have fun okay? <3
    And if you have any questions on anything feel free to PM me <3

    - First off I’d like to say that I haven’t RP’d in a very long time so if anyone would like to give any suggestions on how this RP could be any better I’d be happy to hear them.

    Secondly I'd like to give a big THANK YOU to Deathsight44 for all of his help on this thread! I couldn't have done it without him, sooooo... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

    And lastly I’d like to note that if you want to start off right away in this RP and you are a Master and in an army I would advise you to be in Maderin’s army and then join Benjamin's rebellion, but if you’d like you may be in Towaira’s rebel army but there won’t be as much going on there.


    Master (if already found):
    Class (Spiritual Power):
    Weapon Power (Optional):
    Special Skills (Optional):
    (Note: Your weapons ability cannot be unlocked unless you've mad a contract with a master, you can have the weapon, just not use the ability)

    Army or Citizen (if Army, which one):
    Rank or Social Class (optional) :
    Derma (if already found):
    Special Skills (optional):
    Weapon (optional):

    Neither Master or Derma (Average)
    Army or Citizen (if Army, which one):
    Rank or Social Class (optional):
    Special Skills (optional):
    Weapon (optional):

    Approved Characters

    Username: kairigirl22
    Name: Jane
    Age: 16
    Gender: female
    Personality: She is super quiet and doesn't speak unless spoken to. She's a very gentle person, she doesn't like to resort to violence, but she will if she needs to. She doesn't attack, fight back, or threaten anyone unless it is to protect her master, no matter what.
    Bio/History: (to come later)
    Master (if already found): Benjamin
    Class (Spiritual Power): Physical Power
    Imperfection: She's blind
    Weapon: Scythe (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c273/X_Blade9/Roleplay Characters/TwilightScyth.jpg)
    Weapon Power (Optional): Jane only uses this power in dire need, otherwise she just uses her scythe as a scythe. She uses physical power, she is able to produce invisible ribbons from her scythe. Whenever she hits her scythe onto a solid object while using her power, she sews the ribbons into the object (walls, floors, ceiling, other solid objects) and after she creates an invisible web with them, she solidify's them and makes them visible and with a very sharp tug, is able to literaly cut the enemy into pieces (that is, if their human).
    Special Skills (Optional): Because of her blindess, she is able to hear very well. And is very fast, she tends to move like a dancer, very graceful and silent.
    Other: n/a

    Name: Captain Benjamin
    Age: 20
    Gender: male
    Personality: Benjamin has a very silent, but deadly aura to him, he doesn't talk much, but just by looking at him you know not to mess with him and when he does speak it's best to listen becuase it's important. He's not afraid of anything, he's kind of glazed over, killing someone doesn't bother him in the slightest. He was raised to only care for himself and no one else, so that's how he is. A powerful Captain, he's a great leader.
    Bio/History: His twin brother is a derma, a “special†in fact, and when he was sold to the king by their father Benjamin went with him to the castle. With permission from the king he worked odd jobs for the kingdom, everything from gardener to assasin. He was the kings little handyman. He trained in the ways of the sword on the side for years. When the war broke out, the king needed a captain to lead all major battles, and he chose his little handy man to do so. Benjamin became captian and every battle that he had entered he had won, including the final three day battle in Titiania. When the battle was over King Edward asked Ben to stay behind while the troops took all survivors back to Maderin, and look for anything unusual that would be noteworthy. And Benjamin did, hidden in a secret chamber he found a small female derma named Jane. He capture her and took her back to King Edward who gave her to him as a reward for winning the war. Benjamin signed the contract with Jane and they have been together ever since.
    Army or Citizen (if Army, which one): Army, Maderin
    Rank or Social Status (optional): Captian
    Derma (if already found):Jane
    Special Skills (optional): Incredibly strong
    Weapon (optional): Broadsword

    Username: kairigirl22
    Age: 17
    Gender: female
    Appearance: http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u215/Radiotrashrocket/Warrior%20Anime%20Blonde%20Girls/Warrior/Adventurous.jpg
    Personality: Because of her social class she feels superior to most people. She doesn't really care about people's feelings, or how they think of her.. Annabel is tough and fearless, always willing to jump right into a dangerous situation, but it was because of her toughness that she's gotten so far in the army. She hates to show weekness, in any form, she feels she must always come out on top. But even though she's tough and fearless, she's not a cruel person.
    Bio/History: Annabel comes from a very, very wealthy family in Maderin, but when the war broke out between Maderin and Towaira she decided to join the army, against her family's wishes. She started out in disguise as a boy so that way she could actually get into the army, and worked her way up through the ranks, but after a serious injury the army found out about her gender. She was brought in front of the King and his jury. She stood proud and strong in front of him, he noted the fire in her eyes and how successful she was as a soldier and allowed her to continue in the army on the condition that when the war was over she was to work for him in his castle. She accepted, hoping to find a way out of the deal before the war ended.
    Army or Citizen (if Army, which one): Army, Maderin
    Rank or Social Status (optional): Sergeant
    Derma (if already found): n/a
    Special Skills (optional): Annabel tends to be crafty when it comes to her sword skills. Using them in ways that most people wouldn't expect.
    Weapon (optional): Sword in the picture
    Other: n/a

    Username: Deathsight44
    Name: Matt
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime guy/watermellonfuzz/Anime/Yama.jpg?o=5
    Personality: Matt experiences two split personalities. In most cases, he's a very calm, intellegent individual. He hates killing, and tries his best not to. But in the event that he must defend himself, he'll do so. He's very cold towards most people though, and hates being around people, only being kind to those who might be lucky enouph to get close to him.
    He seems to have a split personality though. A much darker side of him which seems to be what most would clearly describe to be psychopathic. Some what, a seperate side of him, created to satisfy certain needs in which common sense has taught him to ignore.
    on a side note, he tends to be extremely naive when seeing a 'sad face'
    Bio/History: From birth, life has never been easy. Originally, he was treated as an outcast, people knowing exsactly what he was, from each unfortuntae accident in his life. As a boy, using his powers was never easy. Controlling something so complex made getting close to others hard, since every time he lost control, it became so easy for him, and those around him to get hurt. Constantly needing to be patched and stitched up, it never let him get close to others. As for the rest of his personality...
    that only complicated things for him even more. His life has been basic to that point. He does not go near people, due to the risk of hurting them, as well as feeling uncomforatable towards most due to his views on the peple of society, and how they treat eachother. Currently though, he works as a hit man, only going after people when given 'juste' cause by his employers.
    Master (if already found): none
    Class (the type of power/s you have): Special
    Imperfection: All cut related injuries are unable to heal, as well as his seperate personality.
    Weapon: sword (like in the pic, but a ft larger)
    Weapon Power (Optional): By switching from his main power to his weapons power, he has the ability to make it vibrate. When it does though, it's barely noticible. It makes it so that way if he slashes something, then as long as he can make the smallest scratch on it, the vibration is so precise that, that it pushes aside the molecules, clearing the way.
    In other words, as long as he can make the smallest crack, he can cut through just about anything.
    Special Skills (Optional) : He has control of his body in ways that others would never be able to. Such as being able to increasing his adrenaline on his own will to increase his reaction and avoidance towards threats. The shifting of certain bone platelets, so that in a sense, he can create weapons from within his body (you'll get it later on. he can't remove them from his body though), and also kill off certain nerve points to prevent himself from feeling pain.
    Other: Nada

    Username: AmericanSephiroth
    Name: Demetrio Zannetti
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Personality: bi-polar as hell so he can be anything
    Bio/History: when he was born and through school he was known for being odd but other than that he showed no signs of being strange for a derma but his sanity was at its limit and when his mother commited suicide he snapped and went on multiple rampages.
    Master (if already found): has none yet
    Class (Spiritual Power): Aggressive Psychic ( can suck life and can absorb power and release it at will)
    Imperfection: He has almost no sanity and he has very little emotional control
    Weapon: spear shown
    Weapon Power (Optional): unreleased but can create duplicates of it and enlarge it or alter it in any way or can make a monster out of a weapon if he touches it
    Special Skills (Optional): can use powers for brief periods magnified 100 fold
    Other: he uses his spear oddly for a warrior

    Name: Blade (real name unknown)
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/a...Sword.jpg?o=20
    Personality: A creep my definition. He's very upper class like, polite, and never over reacts. He has a soft spot for women though. A natural flirt though he always gets turned down, and when it comes to men, if they speak with him, then he'll usually slice them to bits without hesitation. Gender does not effect him either way when it comes to the hunt. Only difference is how fast he kills.
    Bio/History: His powers were discovered at a very early age, obtaining his full potential at the youngest of ages. Most would describe him as the black sheep of the family. An emotionless child from birth, even his own parents were afraid of him. On the day that him and his brother made a contract with eachother, was the same day they became parentless, experimenting with the rest of the family, just what they were capable of together... ever since then, they've both travled together, hunting down Derma's, trying to find something thats much more 'fun to play with'.
    Master (if already found): Arrow
    Class (Spiritual Power): Psychic
    Imperfection: Blind
    Weapon: 2 of the same as the sword seen in the pic
    Weapon Power (Optional): He has the ability to break up his swords in any way he wants. he cannot shape shift them, but at the most, he can break them into millions of small shards.
    Special Skills (Optional): Telekenisis

    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Drake
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...0/warrior2.jpg
    Personality: A calm, quiet, and collective person. He tries to hide his emotions and just goes on with his life
    Bio/History: Ever since he was born Drake was treated poorly because of how different he is. When he was small he ran away from home and tried to discard his emotions to avoid the pain and weakness he felt. He started to live alone and dedicated himself to learning how to use a sword. In order to gain money he became an assassin who took any job for the right price. He was hired by the Maderin side during the war and was a great help to them
    Master (if already found): none
    Class (Spiritual Power): Physical
    Imperfection: Random body parts will go numb at random times and cannot be moved for a while
    Weapon: The broad sword in the pic
    Weapon Power (Optional): Drake's sword becomes encased in his own energy. Drake is able to to many things with his sword due to the energy. He can increase the range, power and shoot the energy from the sword
    Special Skills (Optional): Despite using a heavy sword he can still use it with ease. He also trained himself so that when one of his body parts becomes numb he will be able to fight without that body part
    Other: nope

    Username: Jayn
    Name: Klaire Cross
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: (Here)
    Personality: Aggressive to most, pushy, irritable but inside very sweet, caring and easily frightened.
    Bio/History: (To be revealed later)
    Master (if already found): N/A
    Class (Spiritual Power): Physical power.
    Imperfection: She can say hurtful things she doesn't mean for the sake of her pride.
    Weapon: Duel pistols.
    Weapon Power (Optional): She channels her power through it, such as lightning or fire that she can shoot.
    Special Skills (Optional): Skilled in the art of kung-fu. B|
    Other: N/A

    Username: Deathsight44
    Name: Arrow
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/a...ger-1.jpg?o=59
    Personality: His brother was the black sheep, but he was the wolf of the family. A psychopath, with a love for sharp objects and watching things squirm. Unlike his brother who is underly emotional, he is fully emotional, and a very live wire. He cares for nothing, except for the thrill of the hunt, and makes a game out of everything he does. His brother is a creep, but Arrow on the other hand, is just one hell of a disturbed individual.
    Bio/History: His own history is the same as that of Blade's, except unlike him, he was considered the favorite, at first. Until they began to run into problems with him. His fascination for 'taking things apart', whether they be live nor dead, gave his family reason to worry. He originally was the one who wanted to form the contract with his brother after learning of how to do it. But now though, even since the death of his family, he and his brother have become Derma hunters.
    Army or Citizen (if Army, which one): Citizen
    Rank or Social Class (optional) : Working class
    Derma (if already found): Blade
    Special Skills (optional): He's very skilled with long ranged weapons, but mostly specializes in kunai
    Weapon (optional): he always has dozens of kunai on hand.

    Username: kairigirl22
    Name: Clara
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg219/Evey_Girl/Anime/girlinflowerfield.jpg
    Personality: The kind, gentle, caring, shy one. She get's nervous and embarassed easily. But she always seems to have a smile on. She would do anything for anyone.
    Bio/History: She worked as a maid and nurse at one of Towaira's largest Inns. But after the final battle, she was captured and taken back to Maderin. She was put in one of the many camps that prepare already interogated prisoners to be sold as slaves. With the help of an elder man inside the camp she was able to escape, vowing to come back and get him when she could. She now works at a much smaller inn, as a maid.
    Army or Citizen (if Army which one): Citizen
    Rank or Social Status (optional): Working Class
    Derma (if already found): n/a
    Special Skills (optional): Nursing, and cleaning
    Weapon (optional): none
    Other: none

    Username: The Joker
    Name: Henry Ryans
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: While being young, long stress has turned his hair dark gray. Rings circle around his eyes like the rings around a planet, but the only things these rings would inspire is pain. He blends in, and be it a natural or magic talent he does it quite well. Wears a mismatch tatter of clothes he looted off of the body of beggars.
    Personality: Depends upon time, mostly thoughtful.
    Bio/History: Henry Ryans was born crazy. You wouldn't have to look at his whole body to get the picture, just his eyes. If the eyes are truly the window of the soul, then some could say he sold his soul. Henry's father kept a book, and this book called him. Being a young lad, do you think he had the powers to stop the call? Nay, and nor did he wish to. Paying it more obedience then he ever did his parents, why, he obeyed. The place he lived was found devoured in smoke, the book missing, and the parents missing, too. Running from his past, only taking the path the voices told him too, he learned some secrets which could only be called magic.
    Rank or Social Class: Lower Class.
    Special Skills: Skilled in all manners of sorcery. To be used in a non-god-modding way, of course.
    Weapon: None, except the trinkets and such he carries with him to aid in his special skill.

    Username: Varnor
    Name: Cailen
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...irewarrior.jpg
    Personality: He's a weird nut, his head doesn't work the way you might think. His logic is twisted and wrong in most cases, but he has this innocence that makes it hard to understand if he's evil or just plain stupid.
    Bio/History: Being raised by a twisted and obviously mad old man, left several marks on Cailen. And old man named Reever raised him in hope of someday to become his master. He thought Cailen everything he needed to know to become and emotionless killer. The only problem was that Cailen didn't want to be emotionless, he loved the killing but love was and emotion to. So he figured emotions where fun and killed Reever for telling him otherwise. Now he travels around exploring the world and killing just for fun. Cause no one ever told him that it was bad only that he had to.
    Master (if already found):N/A
    Class (Spiritual Power) :Physically (Creates fire around his body, that he can manipulate)
    Imperfection: He burns himself if he uses his power for to long
    Weapon: Katana
    Special Skills (Optional): Incredible combat movement, learned form intensive training
    Other: None

    Username: Varnor
    Name: Maria
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/g...k/1f920c34.jpg
    Personality: Calm and focused, She always try to think a few steps ahead. and she always believes there is a second seclusion to every problem.
    Bio/History: Born into the lowest class of society her life didn't start out inn a great way. Her family where poor and instead of getting a job decided that stilling where more to their liking. So growing up she learned a few tricks here and there. At a age of 17, she decided that a life as a thief didn't suite her. Instead she got a job in the military serving the homeland. Which turned out to be a bad move seeing the war that came and everything. But what can you do.
    Army or Citizen (if Army, which one): Private, Towaira
    Rank or Social Class (optional) : Lower Class
    Derma (if already found): Not yet
    Special Skills (optional): She can stay calm in almost any situation, making her able to find solution to almost any problem
    Weapon (optional): Sword
  2. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Username: AmericanSephiroth
    Name: Demetrio Zannetti
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: bi-polar as hell so he can be anything
    Bio/History: when he was born and through school he was known for being odd but other than that he showed no signs of being strange for a derma but his sanity was at its limit and when his mother commited suicide he snapped and went on multiple rampages.
    Master (if already found): has none yet
    Class (Spiritual Power): Aggressive Psychic ( can suck life and can absorb power and release it at will)
    Imperfection: He has almost no sanity and he has very little emotional control
    Weapon: spear shown
    Weapon Power (Optional): unreleased but can create duplicates of it and enlarge it or alter it in any way or can make a monster out of a weapon if he touches it
    Special Skills (Optional): can use powers for brief periods magnified 100 fold
    Other: he uses his spear oddly for a warrior
    (Note: Your weapons ability cannot be unlocked unless you've mad a contract with a master, you can have the weapon, just not use the ability)
  3. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Approved! We'll start after more people join hahaha
  4. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Name: Blade (real name unknown)
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime guy/theavalonsrok/The_Sword.jpg?o=20
    Personality: A creep my definition. He's very upper class like, polite, and never over reacts. He has a soft spot for women though. A natural flirt though he always gets turned down, and when it comes to men, if they speak with him, then he'll usually slice them to bits without hesitation. Gender does not effect him either way when it comes to the hunt. Only difference is how fast he kills.
    Bio/History: His powers were discovered at a very early age, obtaining his full potential at the youngest of ages. Most would describe him as the black sheep of the family. An emotionless child from birth, even his own parents were afraid of him. On the day that him and his brother made a contract with eachother, was the same day they became parentless, experimenting with the rest of the family, just what they were capable of together... ever since then, they've both travled together, hunting down Derma's, trying to find something thats much more 'fun to play with'.
    Master (if already found): Arrow
    Class (Spiritual Power): Psychic
    Imperfection: Blind
    Weapon: 2 of the same as the sword seen in the pic
    Weapon Power (Optional): He has the ability to break up his swords in any way he wants. he cannot shape shift them, but at the most, he can break them into millions of small shards.
    Special Skills (Optional): Telekenisis

    ((I'll add his brothers bio's in a bit))
  5. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Approved!! Ohh this is a cool one hahaha
  6. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Drake
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w308/ronin210/warrior2.jpg
    Personality: A calm, quiet, and collective person. He tries to hide his emotions and just goes on with his life
    Bio/History: Ever since he was born Drake was treated poorly because of how different he is. When he was small he ran away from home and tried to discard his emotions to avoid the pain and weakness he felt. He started to live alone and dedicated himself to learning how to use a sword. In order to gain money he became an assassin who took any job for the right price. He was hired by the Maderin side during the war and was a great help to them
    Master (if already found): none
    Class (Spiritual Power): Physical
    Imperfection: Random body parts will go numb at random times and cannot be moved for a while
    Weapon: The broad sword in the pic
    Weapon Power (Optional): Drake's sword becomes encased in his own energy. Drake is able to to many things with his sword due to the energy. He can increase the range, power and shoot the energy from the sword
    Special Skills (Optional): Despite using a heavy sword he can still use it with ease. He also trained himself so that when one of his body parts becomes numb he will be able to fight without that body part
    Other: nope
  7. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Approved! hahaha good to have you here, I missed everyone! =]
  8. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Username: Jayn
    Name: Klaire Cross
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: (Here)
    Personality: Aggressive to most, pushy, irritable but inside very sweet, caring and easily frightened.
    Bio/History: (To be revealed later)
    Master (if already found): N/A
    Class (Spiritual Power): Physical power.
    Imperfection: She can say hurtful things she doesn't mean for the sake of her pride.
    Weapon: Duel pistols.
    Weapon Power (Optional): She channels her power through it, such as lightning or fire that she can shoot.
    Special Skills (Optional): Skilled in the art of kung-fu. B|
    Other: N/A

    If I did something wrong, please let me know.
  9. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    This is fine, you're approved! =D
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Username: Deathsight44
    Name: Arrow
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime guy/theavalonsrok/gunslinger-1.jpg?o=59
    Personality: His brother was the black sheep, but he was the wolf of the family. A psychopath, with a love for sharp objects and watching things squirm. Unlike his brother who is underly emotional, he is fully emotional, and a very live wire. He cares for nothing, except for the thrill of the hunt, and makes a game out of everything he does. His brother is a creep, but Arrow on the other hand, is just one hell of a disturbed individual.
    Bio/History: His own history is the same as that of Blade's, except unlike him, he was considered the favorite, at first. Until they began to run into problems with him. His fascination for 'taking things apart', whether they be live nor dead, gave his family reason to worry. He originally was the one who wanted to form the contract with his brother after learning of how to do it. But now though, even since the death of his family, he and his brother have become Derma hunters.
    Army or Citizen (if Army, which one): Citizen
    Rank or Social Class (optional) : Working class
    Derma (if already found): Blade
    Special Skills (optional): He's very skilled with long ranged weapons, but mostly specializes in kunai
    Weapon (optional): he always has dozens of kunai on hand.

    ((Gonna add one more char. a master, in a bit unless we don't get more masters))
  11. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Approved, and yeah I'm thinking of making another one too since we need more masters XP
  12. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Ok ready to start? I guess I'll make the first post:

    Jane silently walked behind Benjamin as they walked towards the castle in Maderin. It was a busy day in the market streets, it was hard for her to navigate between all of the people and keep track of Benjamin. "We'll be off this street in a minute." Ben said firmly to her, almost reading her mind. She nodded once, thankful to be getting of the busy street. They turned down a back alley that led to a much wider and less packed street. It was all houses, and inns.
  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Drake was inside an alleyway and before him was a dead body that he had just slashed with the huge sword he held and put on his shoulder. Blade looked at the fallen person that was in pain. Blade looked down at the man showing no sadness or hate. Just then a man with a smile walked up to him."good job sir I was right to hire you. Now I shall take my leave with this man. We have unfinished business to attend to" the man said as he handed some money over to Drake and grabbed the wounded man and walked away
  14. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    "Master..." Jane started, slightly tugging on his shirt sleeve.
    "What is it Jane?" Benjamin replied, not seeming all that concerned for what she was about to say.
    "I smell blood, and a lot of it." She said blindly looking ahead.
    "Blood?" He asked, now seeming interested.
    She nodded and pointed down an allyway.
    They turned down the allyway, where Jane had pointed to. Ben wasn't all that concerned about a little blood, it really wasn't his business anyway, but if it was big enough to have Jane mention it, he might as well check it out.
  15. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Drake looked at the blade of his sword and looked at the blood on it. He then stook a rag and cleaned the blade and and sighed as he pushed the sword into the ground and sat on the boxes next to it. He began to looked up at the sky as he sat there and leaned against the wall
  16. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Ben headed down the alley way, with Jane following closely behind. There was a man sitting on a pile of boxes next to a large very fresh blood stain on the cobble stoned ground.
    "Excuse me sir, do you know what happened here?" Benjamin said firmly looking at Drake and the large sword next to him.
    Jane stood next to Ben, but slightly behind him to show that he was superior to her. Staring aimlessly ahead she listened for signs that the man might be a danger to Benjamin.
  17. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "I just defeated a man here by giving him a severe wound. Judging by the wound I gave him he should be dead right now" Drake said calmly not even looking at him. His tone made it sound like killing somebody was just a normal thing
  18. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Jane took a step forward, so that now she was in front of Ben. She wanted to summon her scythe but she had strict orders from Benjamin to not summon it unless they were actually under attack.
    Ben glanced at Jane, then back at Drake. "What's your name soldier?" Ben asked, asuming he was in the war if he had a sword like that.
  19. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Drake looked over at Jane the moment she got infront of Ben and then turned his attention away from them again "my name is Drake" Drake simply said
  20. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    "Drake..." Ben repeated. "Well Drake, was there a reason for killing this man?" He looked at him, he had seen a lot of men come back from the war a little messed up, but this guy just didn't seem to care that he had just killed someone in a public place.
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