The below words are made for the purposes of the topic, not to insult anyone. Anyways, I'm thinking that this censor isn't smart. For example: bastard, bastard, etc. compared to ******* Anyway to fix this?
They're set to autochange into stars. We had a word replacement filter after the move to XenForo (as per request), but a majority of people were not a fan of it, so we went back to the stars.
I think he may be talking about censor bypasses and how just adding tags or something around a letter or section of letters and you are able to bypass the censor all together.
Yes, the censors can be bypassed. We actually allow that---to an extent. If we see copious amounts of censor by-passing, specially in areas that are not the Spam Zone, we can use punitiive actions on a member. That isn't to say that the censor can not be improved, if that's what you're suggesting.