I hold out my hand to catch the rain To feel it's coldness on my skin The sound it makes as it hits the floor Is like a long lost friend I'll greet with a smile So hold out your hand and catch the rain And feel the child-like joy it has always given me ------------------------------------ I came up with this, after reading another rain poem of mine, but as soon as I did this poem just shouted the words 'catch the rain' so this is for her the member Catch the Rain.
Awwww damn it Anniexo you made me cry now! I have been really down today so thank you for this *a million hugs* you are an amazing friend :)
Awesome, Anniexo! I love the rain, and I think the same as in the poem. I LOVE poems about the rain, emotions, or anything in nature. I like this one, and I'm glad you dedicated it to a friend! Good job!! ^^
*Claps softly* Wow, very nice. I like it. I enjoy poems that have rhyming scheme more than stuff like this, but this was different. It seemed to flow extremely well as I was reading it. The lines all meshed together nicely, and I'm glad I read it. I thoroughly enjoy walking through the rain, holding my hands out as I go. The falling rain landing on me seems to cleanse me, or something like that. Guess that's another reason I liked this so much. I think I'll add this to my fav's. Too lazy to dig through the forum when I need it later. Bonus Points for dedicating it to CtR, lol.
A poem with great meaning is the most inspiring art-work of all. This comes from the heart, something that I love in poems, you don't need a poem to make sense like other people say, the heart is what makes a true poem.