Today hasnt been a good day ; ; first off I had a nightmare last night that kept me up ( I notced when I woke up that the guy in my nightmare was lock from lost ) until 6. I fell back asleep but woke up a half hour later because both my dogs were barking ; ; by the time everything settled down i was able to fall asleep once the clock hit ten (wich was 5 min later ) my mom decided to get up early and make alot more noise. Then she says we arnt going anywere 10:30 comes around and im about to fall asleep but my moms phone rings and she yells to get up and get ready. We were stuck at the social secruity office for an hour to make it worse we got in the car and my backing to my psp broke so it keeps turning off we go to lunch but we had to hurry to get my dad to work. its 3 so my mom leaves ofr work and drops me off at my grandmothers then my grandmother leaves me with the baby. thank god she stayed asleep but i wasnt alowed to nap. so im on khv and watching stuff online. then to make it worse i think i angered on of my best friends when i didnt intend to. I have school once i get home i dont know though cause my mom has to be on her game for a stupid wedding. I still have arrands to run and im running off a few hours of sleep. im about to fall ; ; thank you for listening to my crappy day ;; how is everything this evenening? cx
My day: I get up about 9 and leave for work about 9:30. I was informed that a co-worker was sick and not coming in about 3 times in the course of a half hour. So that means I have to stay until at least 4 in the afternoon. I start stocking what came in and didn't really finish until 1:30 in the afternoon. I shoveled a little of the front sidewalk until my shoulder started getting sore. Then I went in and sat down in the breakroom for awhile until my shoulder was not so sore. Then I started hanging the signs and then it was 4:00 when the second shift came in. I got home at a little before 5 o'clock this afternoon and I have not moved more than I have had to since. I realize I get paid more for this but it was a very long day.