So Cat, HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Or more... Happy January 4th. Sorry for the lateness but I finished it! Thank you for the things you made me : D they made me very happy. This is also the first proper thing I drawn and completed with my tablet. So enjoy you nub! (Also, if you can guess who it is then I'll give you a like)
Uh... is it me with my nonexistent cosplay? :lolface: But really, I saw this on Facebook already and I will just paraphrase that again. ADVPOUAHSDO VJSOPVIABSFLRSIJVSFKNBOSFNV FAklhafljhvsljbhfLhf DljbhfbjlroirhvjhOIUHVROJGHOJRHVO <3333333333 YOUR BETTER GIFT IS COMING AND IT WILL BE GLORIOUS >:3