okay so.. my mamaws (granmother's) cat is pregnant, and she's expected to deliever any day now, and we have no clue what to do at all D: i was there for a dogs birth, but not for a kitty's ): i'd like, really appreciate anyone to post any help, because i can't find the following: what happens before delivery how we know she's ready what can we do to make her more comfortable <3333
Its actually better not to interfere with animals in labour, its much better if you dont disturb them and the cat will find a comfortable place for herself to give birth. Urm.. Im not sure when you will be able to tell, might wanna google that.
Let me do a little poking around on another forum I'm on...one of the members there had a cat give borth sometime last year so she asked for advice...I think I can find it in the archives... I shall return and edit... EDIT: I has returned. Okay, basically let her do her own thing, animals like to be left alone while birthing, so don't mess with momma and the kits for a while after they're born. Also, set up a bed with food and water in a dark place, they are more comfortable there (kind of like in the wild where moms sometimes hide in caves or burrows.) If you can, get pics after they're born. I wanna see! Here's some websites I did find (could be a bit mature depending on how you look at it): http://cats.about.com/od/reproduction/a/birthprocess.htm http://www.2ndchance.info/felinelabor.htm Hope that helps!
I'm not an expert, but what I do know is that mother cats who are ready to deliver will usually disappear to find a soft, dark closed-in place (ex. a closet). Maybe put down some soft towels somewhere suitable. Keep an eye on her and the kittens, but don't get too close. Good luck! 8D <3
yeah i kinda figured that she'd go in a private place... (: <333 Thanks everyone! We don't know the exact due date, it might be a few more days, but i might be going to tennesse D: <333
That's happened to my cat before too. Just make sure that the cat has a nice, comfortable place to have the kitten(s). Before delivery the cat will act differently than normal. You'll know it's time when the cat gives you some sort of sign like try and find a semi-hidden place. That's all the advice I can give based on what I know from experience.
There is one thing you should look for. For some reason cats can eat their kittens so just beware of that. Cats give birth in normally 63 days that I hear of anyway.
The only advice I really have is to not interfere unless necessary, and have someone who knows about cat health on hand if possible, in case of problems.
Yea, domestic cats don't eat their young. Some cats in the wild, particularly the big ones (lions, etc), and more specifically the males, will eat the young of previous litters. A male lion, upon taking control of a pride, will kill (maybe eat? I'm not sure) all the young of all the females, to bring them into heat, so he can spread his genes, but that has been bred out of domestic cats.
She will probably try to find a quiet place and start nest making, like ripping up cloths and stuff. She will be stressed too, and probably panting or needy and attention seeking. I would stay out of the way, and make sure there is a vet you can go to on short notice, in case there is a complication. I don't think you wanna perform a C-section in your laundry room O.O And make sure there is some kind of milk substitute, again, in case there is a complication and the mom can't produce enough milk.
you certainly do come to us for a lot of help! :) the cat should be fine. animals on four legs usually have an easier time with labor unlike humans. you see animal's with four legs have many advantages over us humans, and giving birth is one of those advantages. because cats walk on all fours, their pelvis needs to take on a shape different than that of a human. their pelvis is much wider than a human's, and it is because of that they are able to give birth without any real need for help. sure it will hurt for it, but it should be fine. oh, it could end up getting vicious if you get too involved anyway.
Sorry I didn't mean it that way. The correct way is saying they can absorb the baby back into its body. They can even squash the kitten accidently if it is a big litter. Not to mention if the cat is having complications and a kitten is born much later than the others the mother will not accept it as her own and will not let it drink from her. I had a feral kitten whose mother who had three kittens rejected 2 of them and she purposely starved the two babies which were only 3 days old and if my brother didn't see them in they would of died.
hmm yeah like the others leave the cat be and my dada had to go through that and yeah they went through without a problem