Cardcaptor Sakura- Li and Sakura

Discussion in 'Archives' started by sorarulz, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. sorarulz Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    *glomps Link* HOLY FRENCH TOAST! ITS LINK!!
    For those of you who actually remember this show, and the mangas, I've been addicted to them, for the last few weeks. ENJOY!!!
    Chapter One~ Eriol
    "Now, I have an important announcement." the teacher said. Li Syaoran, Madison Tomoyo, and Sakura Avalon all exchanged glances. "I would like you all to meet an exchange Eriol Hiiragizawa, from England" A boy, with black hair and dark purple eyes walked in and bowed. Li tapped Sakura on the shoulder.
    "He has this aura, its almost like Clow Reed's." he whispered. Sakura nodded.
    "Eriol, why don't you take the seat next to Li." Eriol nodded and walked toward his desk. Sakura gasped. She turned around.
    "I feel the aura now, its weak, but just like Clow's." she whispered. Li nodded. The bell rang and Li and Sakura sprang out of their seats.
    "That's strange, this new kid, as an aura, a magic aura." Li said. Madison ran up next to Sakura.
    "What's up?" she asked.
    "The new kid, Eriol, has an aura, like Clow's." Sakura said. Madison nodded.
    "Creepy." she said. Li nodded.
    "Clow Reed's presence!" Sakura yelled, stopping suddenly.
    "I feel it too!" he said. Madison reached into her backpack. She held up a camcorder.
    "OK!" she said. Sakura sighed and rolled her eyes.
    "O, great key with awsome power, realase to me, the key! RELEASE!" Sakura said. A wand with a circle at the top, and a star in the middle, appeared, and Sakura took out a card.
    "FLY!" she yelled, tapping the card. Huge wings came out of the back. "Li, Madison, get on!" They got on, and Sakura rose the wand. They looked around, looking at all the buildings.
    "There!" Li shouted. A shadow moved around on the ground. "The presence is coming from there!" Sakura started flying down toward it. They got close enough to the ground, and they got off. Li looked around.
    "I don't feel the presence anymore." he said. Sakura nodded.
    "I don't either." she said.
    "Should we go now?" Madison asked. Li and Sakura nodded. They walked off and a shadowy person jumped down.
    "Good work, Sakura, you now know there's a new enemy to face." the shadow said, his dark purple eyes shining.

    Chapter 2~ YOU WHAT!
    Li and Sakura sat in Madison's room, looking at her collection of priceless dolls.
    "Wow, I heard Clow say something about how cool it would be to have priceless dolls." Kero said with frosting all over his face. Li looked at the huge closet full of clothes.
    "Half of those are Sakura's costumes?" Li asked, creeped out. Madison nodded.
    "Yup, and next time we have a problem, Sakura has to wear one of my costumes. Sakura sighed and looked at Li.
    "You ok? That's the first time I heard you talk since we've been here." she said, leaning over. "Are you sick? Do you have a fever? Are you ok?" Li blushed and pushed her gentally back.
    "I'm fine, just not talktive today." he said, his blush fading.
    "Good! I don't know what I'd do if you were sick, Li!" Sakura explained. Li blushed.
    "Um, yeah, I guess." he said.
    Be back to finish later! But right now, there's a spot on Half Life 2 with my name on it!!