I've noticed a lot of things with Capcom in their games., though some of the relate to success of their flagship series Street Fighter. This is pretty much what I found with the majority, if not, all their games -In action games, there will almost ALWAYS be a weapon whose ammunition reflect off of walls in floors. First started in Mega Man 3 with Gemini Man, whose weapon was a reflective laser. Has also appeared in the DMC series -The three main attacks of the Ansatsuken, Hadouken (Surge Fist, AKA, fireball), Shoryuken (Rising Dragon Punch) and Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku (Whirlwind Kick) have been used in multiple Capcom series including the X series and its successors as well any other Capcom game that may not be Street Fighter. The attack Kongō Kokuretsu Zan, which originated with Gouki/Akuma is also used in 3 of the Devil May Cry games as well in the X series -The final boss is usually about the same size as the player himself instead of a bigass one. -The protagonist of a series will almost always appear as a boss in a sequel -There will be a character in the game 'just like you' -Said character will look better than you and have better attacks than you -There will be a sexy girl -People like punching the ground a lot -There will always be some rock music in it -You will usually be rewarded much for your effort -Every Capcom game is and will be insanely difficult, more so than any other game you may play. XD
...I completely disagree with the difficulty thing...all the megaman x games are pretty much easy...same with the zero and zx series (which do not have street fighter moves) and most megaman x/ zero/zx games have large final bosses...too bad you have to fight zero three/four times in the entire series(Omega counts too), Sigma(he used to be a good guy) and fight Vent/Aile so you are partially right about that protaganist=boss thing.
Ok... thats nothing special... since everything you listed is cliche for all video games... except for one point. Most Megaman games did not have a reflective bullet. A few did... but most didn't. This is soo... true. Probably. Even in the Ace Attorney series. The next one you will play as Miles Edgeworth... so Pheonix being a boss is almost inevitable. But it would probably be a destined to lose match... since its canon that Pheonix has not lost a case... *Spoilers* He lost to Klavier in Apollo Justice his first and only loss/*Spoiler* Megaman and all of its spinoffs usually featured a huge final boss. What sucessful franchise doesn't have a sexy girl? By the way... Megaman Legends did not have a sexy girl... I don't really think Tron Bonne counts... and Roll is definatly out. Well... thats usually because Capcom always makes thier character undefeatable.... so a boss with the same powers and abilites is ideal for a "tough" opponent. No one punches the ground in Ace Attorney, or Megaman... though street fighter is a different story. Then explain this... Megaman II... lamest ending ever... extreamly difficult... Then explain Megaman Legends... Yeah... all the others are pretty tough...
No one punches the ground in Ace Attorney, or Megaman... though street fighter is a different story. Mega Man X, Mega Man ZX and Devil May Cry did a LOT of punching the ground, usually in gameplay. XD