Can you justify killing?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I know killing a big No-no, too many people, shouldn't be done, you shouldn't choose to take a human's life or not and so on.
    But, what about people who kill for a reason.

    Like a story I once heard from a friend she said a old man that lived on her road was a child molester and when he picked kids up and bounce them on his knee, he was not bouncing them on his's not worth thinking about...
    And from what I can remeber from the story, one day he was found out for what he was doing, this molester had a son and when his son had his own child the old man began trying too do the same too his own grandchild, like he did too all the other kids and even his own son. Soon after the son killed his father for doing that to his granchild, the father didn't want it to happen to his child like it happened to him.
    He was sent to prison and I think is still there.

    My question is does this seem right? Does any killing to protect people like this seem worng?

    I have too say, I would not have let a guy like this go to prison for what he did, he did what was right for his family, and respect him, he killed for love, and not because he wanted too kill, he had too...
  2. Repliku Chaser

    In this case it seems more that he wasn't protecting his child as much as he was enacting revenge on his father for doing the crime. His father could have been reported instead and locked behind bars. So though I know I would be really furious too at such a thing and have a chance of reacting similar, I'd say it's not so justified as he knew ahead of time his father was like this and still let his kid around the man, and no one seemed to do anything before this to stop it. I don't know about the case deeper, but I'd also say the guy doesn't deserve to be locked up that long for it as it was a crime of fury at the endangerment of his son and all. Some situations like this I think the law should go easier on them because of the situation involved. All murder is not equal.

    The thing that gets me is that the father was apparently molested by the father too...and I have no idea why parents would let their child be caught in the same situation they were in. I have a mother who abused me a lot. I'd be stupid to let a kid when I have one, stay with her alone. This is worse than that. Just...lame. He could have prevented this from happening by thinking ahead of time which is why I don't believe he's justified.

    The only time murder should be 'justified' is if someone has to defend his life or someone else's life against someone/some others. I.e. if a burglar breaks in your house and shoots at you and you shoot the burglar...well you defended yourself and may have protected your family. Though the guy merits some sympathy and not a life prison term for it, he should face some time because what he did was very wrong in putting his kid in the situation, then killing his dad for something he knew his dad could do.
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I dont think that you can justify killing--UNLESS it's a total accident or it's unexpected self-defense.
    Even when you have a 'reason' for killing someone, I dont think that makes it right. For the example that you gave, why couldn't he have just called the police on him and made sure he was arrested?

    If you're protecting someone in the moment when you don't have any other choice, then I think that's completely different.
    If you plot to go get revenge on someone then...I don't think that's much of a reason where there are usually other options then murder at that point.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    If used in selfdefense or trying to protect someone(or accident) then yes. The thing with self defense is that if you can take out the attacker without killing him/her then you should try to do so. You can NOT go kill your attacker when he/she can no longer pose a threat to you.
  5. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    No. It doesn't justify it. Taking a life for just molesting? I'd think he'd go to jail, not to be killed. If he has to be killed, then he has to be killed if he killed someone precious to you. That is my thought.
  6. Anderson (☞゚∀゚)☞ You've lost the game.

    Nov 11, 2006
    Mt. Silver
    The only justified killing is justified-self defense.

    The only case even in that kind of killing is if you try to defend yourself and you accidently killed someone.
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well, in my opinion, I wouldn't care about what is right or wrong in this case because there was a story for it. And if it was right to the individual to do it that way (which I don't agree with lol) then I suppose it was the only way he could do that to permanently stop it. Now, assuming he had talked to the old man several times before having to take his life over this (and something like this should probably be resolved not by killing, regardless of who it is, imo), then I suppose it was justified in order to completely stop this issue.

    The fact that he was put in jail because he tried to help himself and his son, is, regardless of lawful meaning, a little stubborn of the judge. There was a reason for this, and while the conclusion was not the best, the man could have been totally sane and decided to kill the old man out of both self-defense (in terms of personal safety from what the old man is doing) and reasoned decision based on it was the only choice. Perhaps maybe he could have just reported him in and then he could have never talked to him. But we don't know that completely. And in fact, I would have to think that is what should have been done, over anything.

    I don't feel taking a life is ever necessary. But in terms of defending yourself, and a lack of alternative options, it is a do-able option. But because of laws and such, this causes very specific contents for reasons and conclusions. Very interesting, indeed.
  8. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Well, yeah. In self-defense, and in war. I'm not sure about it just being a murder, but if it is about war and self-defense and maybe by accident, then that is an acception.
  9. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i would say self defense and probably death penalty in the case of dangerous criminals but i would say no in that case you described.
  10. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    I...really dont know how to explain this...

    You can never justify the ending of someone's life; their memories, passions, feelings, even if they r (in your eyes) the biggest piece of **** you've ever seen walk the earth.

    But sometimes, you have to put down the lives of some people to save millions of others...especially when whoever is getting killed is doing purely wrong things. Like hitler...
  11. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    jail for the person

    repentance is always harder than dying

    the person will repent in jail.....i dont think jail is a good expirience
  12. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Self-defense is the only reason anyone should kill.

    Anyone could understand why the dad was mad at the grandfather. However, the dad had no right to kill.
  13. Kaiionel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 4, 2007
    In my imagination
    Killing in that situation is not justified in my opinion, for reasons people here have already mentioned. Child molestation is a serious crime and pretty despicable, but I never think killing or violence is going to solve the problem. Sure, the man isn't molesting children anymore, but only because he's dead, and if his son thinks he performed a service for his society by getting rid of his father, he's forgetting that he committed a crime just as evil. Imprisoning the killer's father in jail would have also prevented him from molesting children, but he would still have his life and some time to think over why he molested children, and over time he might have regretted it/felt guilty about it. I believe everyone deserves a second chance. I also agree that the father might have been taking out his own anger and resentment on his dad by killing him.

    I don't think intentional murder is at all justifiable, but as someone said before me, accidents are excusable. I mean, you can't really help an accident, so technically it can't be called a murder. As for self-defense...maybe. If it's the only way you'll get out alive and someone is really going to hurt you, it might be okay.