Calm Skies

Discussion in 'Archives' started by andresj, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. andresj Moogle Assistant

    Aug 7, 2008
    So... here is a poem I just wrote, it's called Calm Skies. It doesn't really have to do much with KH, since I haven't even read the book. (dont kill me! :P) Well I'd like to see what you guys think of it; the good and bad. And maybe it does apply to a character in KH, who knows. :D

    The sky was calm;
    His heart was ice.
    Memory fresh.
    O, blissful past.

    What had he done,
    Inherently wrong;
    Mistakes occur,
    but regrets more do.

    The sky was calm;
    But his soul was not.
    To the sky a psalm;
    What envy; que dolor.... (que dolor = so much pain)

    "We shall end it",
    A voice said.
    "You'll regret it",
    Reason sets.

    "What's the point?",
    It insisted.
    "If dead, there'll be none",
    the reply.

    The sky was calm,
    but it opened.
    And from it, a light,
    to him directed.

    And a small figure,
    from it descended.
    It's white feathers
    the more distinguished.

    The bird spoke,
    but no matter it's words,
    for the message sunk
    in the poor man, alone.

    The sky was not calm,
    but Joseph was now.
    How it happened,
    a mystery to more.

    With a great sound
    the skies trembled.
    The bird it's way found
    towards the heaven.

    The clouds closed.
    Nobody stopped.
    But he knew.
    It's real, what he saw.

    The sky was calm.
    He joined in its joy.
    The nature of it all:
    A vision; who knows.​

    And there it is. ;)

    Oy, I found the subform to put this, Original Work. Sorry, I didn't find it earlier... Can a moderator move this thread there? Thanks. :)
  2. Twi1ight69 Moogle Assistant

    Aug 8, 2008
    New Jersey
    Its a great poem, its nice and relaxing!:)
  3. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    That's a pretty cool poem.
  4. andresj Moogle Assistant

    Aug 7, 2008
    hey thanks glad u liked it Twi1ight69 and CreatorOfTheUncreatd. :)

    any suggestions? :D