This game is the fecking shiznit. I've never played a first person shooter as good as this ever, and it's hard enough to supply me with fun for hours. And at last NO MORE DAMN WORLD WAR II!
That game looks so epic. If I end up getting a 360, it'll be the first game I pick up. I watched a video review of it on GameTrailers, and it seems hella fun, even in single player.
Just got this game today and it freaking pwns so much! The game looks so much better than I hoped for. Hopefully when I fix my internet thingy I'll be heading online and dealing out the pain 8D All that was going through my head during Act II:One Shot One Kill when my cover was blown was "BOOM BANG BANG BANG **** **** **** BOOM BOOM SHIIIIIIIIIT!!!!" @_@
I have to say this guys that the game is banned in Arab countries but still some shops over here don't give a **** and sell it over here.
I'm not surprised. The game does take place in the Middle East =\ It's like with Mercenaries 2: World in Flames. It might get banned in Venezuela since Hugo Chavez thinks it's the U.S. trying to support the cause of invading Venezuela for it's oil. Which of course it isn't. >.> <.<
Well it's not ALL the middle east, but a good portion of the game does. I don't see how it could be considered supporting the cause.
Just because it's in the middle east for any amount of the game gives enough of an excuse to ban it, because of what's happening in current events. Now lets get back to the game. Make a threadin Intelligent Discussion to continue this thing.