well this is probably the most requested tutorial from me. I finally decided to stop being lazy and make it. its on this tag here: unfortunately its too big for any image hosting site to host it, so you will have to download from Sendspace till i figure something out. http://www.sendspace.com/file/6xa966 edit: nvmd ill just upload it to my DA Account lol http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2007/085/4/c/Creative_Tutorial_by_Cloud4ever.png .:Other Outcomes:. Hikki_Kairi- Hikki_Kairi- The_Burger_King-
thats only your 5th tag? O.O wow thats pretty good for a fifth lol mine was way worse. I'll put your tag up in an outcomes section. :)
Very nice tutorial man. Btw, is this for PS or GIMP? 'Cause I'd like to try it out if I could. And what size did you use?
its a PS Tut, and i used a 340x100 canvas :) thanks for comments guys. Cant wait to see your outcome darky.