Pertyyy c: The detail is amazing, especially in the leaves. I bet the eyes and the wings took a while to get right. But I like it ::L:
I don't like it actually. It looks too scrabled and the butterfly looks more than a fly with a sting to me. But there's still the effort you've put and that counts too.
Thankyou. Actually, the eyes were easy. But yeah, getting the wings as close to symmetrical as I could was difficult, hence the slight differences, especially in the lower wings. How many flies have you seen with wings like that? I'm curious. You can think it's scrabbled if you like, but the butterfly alone took me over an hour.
lolwut @ "scrambled" comment Everything about this drawing is absolutely gorgeous. The butterfly seems to be perfectly symmetrical, and the wing patterns look beautiful. I can tell this was painstakingly done, especially from the shading. The shading on the wall and the slight shading on the butterfly itself is very good, and I'm glad you had the patience to include it, since it improves upon the already great look of the drawing. Simply awesome. :3
Everything except the body is flawless. The wings are beautifully drawn and the wall/vines are amazing. I would love to see this colored if you tred to rework the "stinger" and "fangs." Preet good lookin overall though.
The lower body does look a bit too pointy. BUT. This is extremely prettyful. The wings are very well done and excellent, excellent job on keeping the size, shape, and pattern on them symmetrical. The little details are great, like the crosshatch on the eyes that give them a really bug-like look. The simple brick background makes the focus of the drawing stand out well, and the ivy is a nice touch.
Hmm. I’m not sure whether I like this or not, to be honest. The background is all right, and has decent shading that doesn’t leave it looking too bland. The leaves are a bit plain, and could do with some more varied shading to emphasise the shape and curves or the leaves. On a brighter note, the veins are well done. As for the wings of the butterfly, yes, it is symmetrical, but it seems... odd, in a way. The veins are nicely done, but the pattern lining the edges are rather childish, to put it into words. Perhaps next time you could have the black fade into the black lines that form the boxes on the bottom half of the wings? That might help it seem less robotic. The body, as previously stated, is far too pointed towards the bottom. But, despite me being a fussy bitch, all is good. Keep it up.