I may not be able to see your expression right now, but what the hell... Merry 5th of January Turn on HD and plug headphones in. I don't care how long it takes to load, JUS DU EET And I'll just copy paste the description into a quote. And after tl;dr-ing that, watch this (which is the 25% finished vid from the tl;dr description) I will just say it now: it's not as good as you say it will be.i could've done so much moreSO MUCH MOOOOORE!
CATCATCATCAT! THIS IS EXCEPTIONAL! You definitely put my MEP piece to shame xD Your video making skills are brilliant and I just hope you can watch your videos like I see them- full of talent! Also- MOAR ON TEH SECOND ONEEEE! xD You're right, it's not as good as I say it is- IT'S FRIGGIN BETTER! I hope you will persevere with a song one day and finish a GMV. Thank you ever so much ^^ /CHEEESE
As we've both said before, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if you made it, you'll think it sucks. It's a proven fact regarding art and artist. I will try. There will be no sleeping tonight, forcing myself to sit through my AP Lang, Pre-Calculus Honors and Chemistry Honors Homework that I've yet to completely finish/touch from midnight til, like, five in the morning so we can talk and I can finish that one. Also, damn lag in Vegas, keeping me from using my HQ KH1 clips on a screamo song about sex :3 You're welcome. <3 /allofdatcheese
Although that is true, it doesn't mean we can't acknowledge our talent even if we end up hating the work we produce. Do finish it :3 so we can have a long discussion tomorrow about NOTHING WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
True enough. I acknowledge that Vegas is such a big bitch about LAAAAAAAAG. It crashed a good three times alone on that bit of the second vid and GUUUUUUUUUUH! ;~; I will. If I stray and get on KHV, I will come back to this thread for motivation, because there is clearly not a better motivator than meaningless conversation OH YESSSSS~