Wtf right? Anyways, this was an idea from a classmate. I just modified. XD So one day, you, the humble reader, are in your house, whether alone or not, and receive a letter. Curious, as you have no such friends, you open the letter. The letter goes like this: "Dear _____, Tomorrow, you will receive a package. It is a burlap sack from Hell that you HAVE to open otherwise it will find you in your sleep and explode on you. It will have the things you hate the most in all the world, whether physically impossible or not, and you cannot get rid of it. The items, whether tangible or not, are indestructible and whenever you try to throw them away, they come back to you like magnets that do not run out of power or a really, really constipated man to a clean, brand new toilet. Sincerely, The Devil." So, thinking it was a prank, you don't move to another house, which is useless because he would have found you anyway. Mine's probably gonna have: 1. Insects/Parasites/etc. 2. Spiders. 3. Innards/decapitated things. 4. Music I really hate in a boombox. 5. A singing Justin Bieber head (no offense). 6. Horrible drawings. As in really, really horrible. 7. Horrible writing. 8. Horrible grammar/jejemon. 9. Multiple things related to my dad (do not ask). 10. Multiple things related to my old friend who I hate (do not ask). 11. Riddles I cannot solve. 12. Ven. Lots and lots of Ven products I cannot BURN AND SHOVE DOWN A HOLE get rid of. So, what's your burlap sack gonna have? Any number.
A bunch of fundamentalists. The system does not matter. [*]Static. [*]Rape scenes. [*]Police badges. [*]An American flag. [*]Absolute truth. And/or last but certainly not least... [*]Nothing.
Oh and a jellyfish. JLS (yes a music group whom I can't stand (yes WHOM :3)) with a jellyfish... and no shirts. -.-
-The Twilight Films -Terribly written stories -Country music -Republicans -Dick Cheney -Anything that has to do with Justin Beiber
Is it wrong I thought of that bag in the beginning of KH2 first when I read the title. You know. The one Roxas rides and it turns out a dog is in it.
Random Scenario: *opens a burlap sack* Oh, it's a dog! *dog turns into a dusk and eats you whole.* End Random Scenario. ...=3=